Weapon X

So what did you think?

Unfortunately, its nowhere near reduced enough. Why they had to go turn a great spy team franchise into movies about one superhero and his sidekicks is inexplicable, but this comes the closest to giving the feel of a team than any at any time since the beginning of the first movie. The team members are more than just

You caused me to actually LOL, which is rare. Thank you sir.

They're gonna have to pry those Nirvana CDs (do kids these days even know that you can buy music on CDs?) from our cold, dead hands then 'cause you're not alone. Although I do use my cell every day and would probably enjoy a symphony (if someone's buying...).

Truly, your star was well-deserved. May you receive the power of time-travel as well so you can go back and make sure the Wolverine origins filmmakers understand this point.

Not sure how you can fit that Cylon onto the Galactica, though, and not have it overlap with what's already covered. Frankly, his comment doesn't make sense as there isn't really any way to have it in the same universe unless it doesn't take place on the Galactica (and if they're going to have a movie called

On the other hand, trying to fit this movie into RDM's BSG universe sounds like a worse idea than doing another reboot, incredibly enough.

"Geek... SMASH!!!"

There are FOUR lights!!

Clicked to see how this nebula would "make it rain"... damn... wrong Pacman...

Taking away my Fringe. As if I needed another reason to hate the Cardinals.

Also happy that it's in IMAX and, so far... no 3D [fingers crossed]...

I want so badly for the Mission Impossible movies to move on and lose Tom Cruise, go back to being team-based spy movies about infiltration/extraction. On the other hand... I'm a sucker for that music, I'm probably going to watch this.

Anytime :)

Why is it that everything involving William Shatner makes for a great 'herbal supplement?' Always need to have at least one video with the Shat to watch while toking.

May you suffer the pain of countless flaming needles being thrust into your eyes at a rate of one millimeter per second for even insinuating that Rob Liefeld art would improve ANYTHING.

Even after the craziness of the video to that point, the end still made WTF out loud.

Just so you know, this comment is why I hearted you. Okay, I'm gonna stop reverse-stalking you now.

I'm pretty sure they will actually use a lot of material from The Punisher for the 'Earth: Final Conflict' reboot.