Weapon X

Actually sounds pretty original for a movie. I wonder if they're going to lean towards a comedic tone or have it be 'serious' (gritty?).

I didn't think I'd be interested in the Lincoln: Vampire Hunter flick at all but it's beginning to intrigue me. Maybe it's just a weird side effect of mourning the season end of Fringe and permanent end of SGU.

Yeah it's a pretty sad reality. I realized this impending space-fi vacuum a few weeks ago while talking to a friend about SGU's improvement and we were both just immediately depressed for a bit. It's remarkable how many of these were on in the '90s or even in the early part of the 00's (though for not as many

These days I'm really only reading Morning Spoilers on the faint hope that one of these times there will be a Stargate spoiler. That will be a great day [sigh].

To pick up the mad scientist, right?

I only read the first book but I got a lot of fantasy vibe from it too, specifically with the prophecies etc. It almost turned me off at the beginning (not much fantasy I can read other than LotR) but I stuck with it and it was a pretty great book. Wasn't sure if I would enjoy the continuing story of Muad'dib, though,

The Clinton years had a hell of a lot of sci-fi on the air for many many seasons, wish I had appreciated it more at the time. X-Files, ST:TNG, DS9, Voyager, Babylon 5, Buffy and then at the tail end Stargate as well. But what the hell, there is a Democrat back in the White House, why aren't we getting more 7-10 year

It's not what is gained by the quibbling that is important. The quibbling itself is what matters. That's what nerds do, we quibble. And seeing as how this is a sci-fi (-ish) blog, can't begrudge them using whatever fodder they can for articles.

I enjoyed them all but I think the tagline at the top of the X-Men one is the best... "The X-Men. Only slightly younger. And back in school." That one had me actually lol.

The brown-noser comment is just about how much he kisses Spielberg's ass. I don't think it's crass or mean, it's kinda true and funny. Sure, Spielberg may deserve the love, but it's just light-hearted poking at Abrams here for how much he gushes about him. The Lens Flare bit too, it's a meme even he acknowledges,

I got the feeling that was just a replica or attempt to recreate it as we see it in both Iron Man movies. After all, it is pretty much just sitting around discarded and irrelevant as if Tony gave up on it, like @Dex-Starr said earlier.

It's sitting on the a workbench/table behind Tony, half assembled only. I think it's while he's first creating the designs for the revamped Iron Man armor (after he gets back from Afghanistan and is in seclusion/banished to his mansion).

I loved that "sit in the chair, I'm not Captain Kirk" line, plus that bit with Greer and Brolker (I can't ever remember which is which and they're usually a pair anyway) about the gun stores. Commenting late, since I wanted to watch the last two together in case of cliffhangers and since they are, well, the LAST two.

Oh wow, Donald Glover for Rocket Racer for sure!!

Whaddaya know, not too bad of a cliffhanger after all! At least, I didn't think so. Good finale episode, I hope it finds its way back though.

It was a worthy finale, and not too much of a cliffhanger, fortunately. I just hope someone finds a way to bring it back (at least a miniseries) before (VERY MINOR SPOILER) Destiny drops out of FTL.

Turned out to be a worthwhile finale anyway, imo. I will miss it, wish they could at least do a miniseries to wrap it.

At least they made sure there wasn't a window around, he might've jumped right out of it!

Was anyone else disappointed that Walternate killed Olivia himself, and it wasn't the guy from her subconscious (you know, the "Oh, I think that's the guy that's gonna kill me" guy)?

Interesting, I hadn't even considered that among the many explanations I've been coming up with! Of course Walter could have sent the very same machine back in time, he doesn't have to invent it if it's sitting right there!