Weapon X

At this point I think multiple explanations exist for why the machine is in both universes:

Lol @ "old man beat down", love it. I totally thought that's where they were headed as well, the facial expressions John Noble used for the Walters were phenomenal, convinced me they were about to throw down.

I hate time travel in most sci-fi but I loved this episode of Fringe. I think all of the pseudo-science and ridiculousness of the show gives anything they do in that regards a "just go with it" quality. And while I love io9 because of how often I find myself agreeing with Charlie in particular, I completely disagree

Yes, I'm dying laughing but... that's just not right! You can't do that to people. How did he not go completely insane when the second one burst through the wall?

Weed will whack you!

That's exactly what I thought when I read that bit. It's the most likely explanation, considering who's in the film and what we know about the plot so far. I can't think of many other reasons why Christian Bale would be needed in a locale like that. It's not like Nolan to have some contrived reason for a scene to take

+1000, especially for the suggestion to sic the Whale-friend probe on the Borg.

Not for X3, the rushed and trivialized Phoenix Saga storyline was evident in the trailer. It looked like a convoluted mess, though I still didn't think it would be as bad as it was.

So what you're saying is that Banner should be saying "... and it's winning!" or "... and it's got tigerblood!" I think "... and it's super-freaky!" still beats 'em out. And I do see the Charlie Sheen resemblance now but it's to a young, pre-crazy (as far as anyone knew) Charlie Sheen, not the current bitchin rockstar

There we go, much more logical. Except I love how in this one Bruce Banner (I'm assuming) is all like, Oh, no "... it's all my fault!" whereas when it's Rick James he just says, well "...it's super-freaky!" lol.

After X3 & XO: Wolverine I couldn't imagine willingly handing over money to the same studio for another X-Men movie but wow... yeah, take my damn money already!


You are all much saner than I am. I treat myself as if I am speaking to another person, so I berate myself often as well, the difference being that if I am planning or something similar (i.e.- collaborating w/"me") I refer to myself as "we."

Also, with Mickey Rourke! If his crazy is given free reign it could be a pretty entertaining, if mindless, couple of hours.

I must have this.

Actually it's... super freaky.

Excellent catch, thanks for pointing it out, totally forgot that.

Brolker was awesome as always, more Brody than Volker this time though. The old man rant was hilarious. Oh, and of course, "It's a font."

Park was the one with Greer, Eli hooked up with a previously unseen (afaik) SG crew member and Camille stayed true to her lezzy soulmate, no babies for her.

Oh, Hell no!! That... it's just so... I mean... anything is possible now.