Weapon X

They had people (& robots) in the show who were from the future. They would obviously have known that it would be cancelled after two seasons. Duh.

You're right on with that, I'm confusingly irritated and pleased at the same time while watching the show. Though who knows, maybe you still won't like it... so there's that to look forward to!

I would have agreed with you wholeheartedly a few months ago but now I am in love with the show and will miss it greatly. I'm not just saying that to bring you over. I thought the first season and a half or so was bad, but worse it was boring as I struggled to stay awake at times while watching it. Despite that, the

I cannot understand how some moron studio exec watched Catwoman and thought "Wow, this would have been a great movie if it was on television instead, with a teenager instead of Halle Berry." And how does it then make an io9 "must watch" list??

Yeah with him and the guy from Reaper in the show I pretty much have to watch it now.

All I could think while reading what he said was "RIDICULOUS!" I couldn't even process the words I was reading beyond that thought. How the hell did ANYone buy that nonsense?

Yup, I don't get how anyone who watched this episode didn't have fun. I found Torv's Nimoy-voice grating as well but then from time to time it would be enjoyable, though still mostly regrettable. And yeah that's what I meant about Peter killing the shapeshifters, that Olivia would be mad about the lying and killing

Interesting theory, that never occurred to me. It would make the exchange between him and Peter more meaningful—

Yeah, one of many moments that had me cracking up. Though in this case it was because of an 'in-joke' geek reference, but one that was done very subtly and very well, imo.

Here's one with the logo on a shirt. [cgi.ebay.com] (Agn, in case image fails)

Did anyone else think that the logo on that guy's shirt when he was in the zeppelin was for Chevelle (rock band from Chicago)? [1.bp.blogspot.com] (In case the image fails).

Of course!!! ... LSD!

Yeah I had that hope for the iPad early on as well but from all their public statements it became obvious they wanted to keep their identity as a 'premium' brand and not put out anything that could be interpreted as lower quality just to break into the low-cost market. I wish they would but it is what it is, I guess.

Wow that really sucks, sorry I couldn't help. I can't believe they put 7 Starter on a pc just to cut some costs. Wouldn't blame you if you went with [ahem] 'other' methods to get a fully capable OS.

For me, sanity is pretending that Origins: Wo—(I can't even bring myself to type it out) doesn't exist.

Meh. Seeing the 'debate' on your earlier comment I, for one, don't blame you for a little chippiness (? chippyness? not a word? oh well). But lay off Anekanta, he shares my struggle to integrate into daytime society ;)

Really... how??? Or is just us unwashed, non-starred masses that are no longer able to participate?


If you mean that the registry won't allow you to edit options, you can reassign the permissions on those entries by right-clicking and changing ownership to your user account. Though you may already know about that... sorry that's all I had ;)