Weapon X

So all the shuttles go to the coasts only? Y'know, it may be flyover country but most flights still have to stop in Chicago or Atlanta... coulda thrown at least one of those shuttles to us poor schlubs in the middle of the country (wtf Obama, you could've thrown your adopted hometown a bone and gotten us one!).

So what you're saying is that if I were alive then, I should have been rooting for the commies to win?!!? Mindfrak.

Even better... if North Korea landed Al Qaeda on the moon!!

I'm angry that they killed off the entire remaining Lucian Alliance crew (save the one guy who was already practically a member of the SG team), even after the beasties were shown to be intelligent they didn't allow any of them to have remained!? Wasted opportunity for future shows (I know it's cancelled but they

It bothered me too until I made this same assumption. If the intelligent beasties were eating them, then it's okay. If I was in that situation I would jump on that rationalization in a second cuz I would want some damn meat already!

Ed? Is there a brother or is that just Tobias' middle/first name? Cuz if it's the same guy he needs to stick with the one that brung him. Noob Saibot.

Yeah seriously, where the fuck did this guy see Jack Nicholson or Christopher Walken in multiple fight scenes? I want that cut of all their movies on Blu-Ray right friggin now.

Hey, I vaguely remember liking DeathMate! I no longer remember anything that was in it or what it was about but I definitely recall what the title looked like. I was also probably 12 when I read it (1994?)...

You are all awesome. Sometimes, I really love io9.

I make great arguments... basically I said "but it could be really good" to both points lol. Disregard.

I think you're right about Khan, though if it was a re-imagined version of the initial encounter with the Botany Bay (from TOS) then it could be really good. As far as the Borg go, I disagree (not with them being a lazy plot device in Voyager, they totally were, though I enjoyed that a bit), an encounter with the Borg

Actually yeah, I agree with you and when I re-watched TMP in the late '90s it seemed obvious that V'Ger had run into the Borg.


Khan. Or an early encounter with the Borg.

Don't be an idiot, the Daleks are in the galaxy that John Crichton gets transported to in Farscape. Star Trek has aliens called the Goa'uld that enslave the rest of the galaxy by pretending to be gods.


Needs more Roklimber.

Only thing you're missing (just noticed) is his right arm with the lightsaber, since the arm could just be lost within the shadow, should have the lightsaber falling to the ground or something.

Too bad Roklimber's gone. I've read some of the explanations below and, while somewhat helpful, still waay over my head.