Weapon X

Wait, that breaks continuity worse than Abrams. Or is 'V-Ger' Voyager 2 and the target practice probe is Voyager 1 (or some other combination)?

Or 4.0000000000000000000000...1

Flawless victory.


Yeah, I love this interpretation as well, gonna have to remember it. Excellent comment El Sabor.

Yeah I'm still pissed about TSCC and it hasn't been so long that it's not possible to bring back and that just makes it worse.

The first season was tough with pseudo-science (it also happened to be the only season that was X-Files like, only not good at it) but I would say that the show really found its footing when it embraced that the science in it was ludicrous. And anytime I bitch about something related to plausibility, my friend reminds

If they showed that Manimal transformation every time there's no wonder it was canceled. That was like five minutes of slow-mo transformation. And I love how the tiger is just watching him transform, but really really impatiently. Shifting back and forth from paw to paw. And then at the end he's like, "That's it?

Yes, this. I have slightly more familiarity, very very slightly, with some of the GL characters and plotlines but this is basically my thought pattern as well. I think it's a rather amazing accomplishment that they've put out something that I actually want to see now.

Well mostly because 'epic' doesn't translate well to a real Earth setting. Maybe its been done too many times in disaster movies, maybe it feels forced, I dunno why but it just doesn't. LotR took place in a fantasy realm, 'Middle Earth' or whatever is not the same as Chicago, New York and L.A.

As someone who's gone back and read certain series from their beginnings, Marvel is pretty damn corny too. Really I think the main thing is that Marvel's characters live in the same places and were always constantly running into each other from the start, and those cities are real, is what made me shift towards Marvel

They eye effect was badass, agreed.

It is actually not terrible. In fact, I even want to go see it now.

I was hoping they would have done something about the mask by now. At this point, it's highly unlikely.

As a non-fan of Green Lantern (I don't hate it just don't follow or care for much DC stuff) I am actually more drawn in by the fact that its more 'fantastical.' More epic scale space stuff would get me in the theater for sure. On the other hand, if they did more Earth-based story like you suggest, I would definitely

Kinda funny that we're actually surprised/confused that it seems like something we're gonna like now.

I personally despise the GL Oath... well, maybe despise is too strong but you get the idea. It is really corny. Plus, I'm more partial to Marvel over DC so maybe that has something to do with it.

"...I can imagine people going ‘What the ****?' But I didn't want to make the kiddie version of X-Men."


Oh and, yeah, Laura was smokin hot throughout.