Weapon X

Batshit insane is the most apt description of season two and you didn't even watch it! If you do watch it, I definitely recommend reading every single recap on io9 after each episode. It's pretty much the only reason I actually kept watching the show. Though the new format and search box has made finding the posts

That was pretty much my exact reaction. "I don't have much else, so I'll definitely take it." That and, hey, it could be cool.

There's nothing in this article that isn't horrifying. Thanks Annalee.

Wow that is even more frustrating then. As good a reason as there is to go buy the first season, like you said!

Kill it. Kill it with fire.

YES. Or Star Trek it with the ready-made excuse of the 'Days of Future Past' storyline, as several others have already suggested.

As long as they also pretend Wolverine didn't happen and they keep Kitty Pryde I would play along with that fantasy.

That's why it hasn't come back!? Dammit how can they cancel the best animated series they've put out since the '90s!?!! Actually, have they managed to keep ANY of their series running past two seasons in the last decade? Wolverine and the X-Men, Spectacular Spider-Man, FF: World's Greatest Heroes... and I haven't

I know. WTF.

Yeah that's along the lines of what I wanted, anyway. Would look better w/some armor/padding type additions, imo.

Oh, I see. I guess if the men wear the same uni it's not too bad. Still think it looks a little too Black Widow-y and not sure how it'll look on-screen. Then again, it's going to have a thunder god, a man who transforms into a giant green monster and a leader whose only real weapon is a shield so I guess my complaint

The way it was worded I thought the intro was talking about Anne Hathaway's catsuit in 'Dark Knight Rises.' At any rate, I'm not sure it's a good sign that Cobie is even going to be wearing something that skintight as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in Avengers. It's going to look a bit ridiculous. I mean, she's not Black Widow.

Hah, I'm on the losing end of all four matchups! Though I have to admit that I pretty much did a mental coin flip on the first three and can't quibble too much with how those results are turning out. It would be nice if io9 would do a poll pitting franchises against each other (Summer Glau would win, of course, but

No problem, glad it helped! Lots of people outside the U.S. use proxies to stream stuff from Hulu and other sites, I'm sure if you google it you can probably find a relatively easy way. Though I understand it may still be a pain... there's always the OTHER way, of course... ;-)

Yeah it seemed that way but I don't think that's what happened. The way the scene was cut was strange, but the observer wasn't the one who was handed the card. The doc handed the card to creepy researcher guy who then gave it to Walternate. They just inserted scene showing the Observer making his "It's happening" call

Short version: Yes.

Hah, well that's just about as logical a conclusion as I've seen anyone ever come to :)

Vitriol? Incredibly nasty things that I said? Really? Okay then.

It doesn't need to Doc, any of the movies on the bracket should beat Serenity in a head-to-head. And yes, I did like it and I loved Firefly but Serenity, on its own as a movie, did not even belong on the list. Though I do think BttF is a very good movie and I don't think it's nostalgia but the fact that people are

Bull. There is no one who thinks Serenity is better than Back to the Future (well okay, maybe like five people, including DrLocrian down there) or, frankly, just about any other film that was in this contest. Not even the Browncoats really think that. They just do shit like this out of some cult-like mindless trance.