Weapon X

Hah what a load of crap. Okay, well not really but the headline definitely is. Basically this is telling you that if someone knows what pisses you off you will be better friends and if they don't you won't. Awesome study.

While I had serious issues with it and was even bored for most of season one, I thought it was good enough by the end of the season to keep watching it this season. And now I love it, it's ridiculous for it to be cancelled when they air it in those moronic half-seasons and the first half of the second season hadn't

I know they're friends, or were friends, that's what I meant. Didn't think he would just be like "okay, let me take my buddy's spot now" but I didn't know the details you just gave. Thanks! So, totally on board now. Yeah, Johnny requesting him is pretty cool. Guess Marvel handled it pretty well.

Yeah but it seems just too awkward for him to take Johnny Storm's place with their rivalry/friendship... doesn't seem a Spidey sort of thing to do. Though I haven't read any of the current Marvel stuff in over a decade, outside of a limited series/graphic novel here and there.

Holy fuck that was awesome. Is this a full movie?

Damn, beat me to it. But considering I'm commenting like two days later I shouldn't be surprised.

Actually it probably is a brilliant idea. Think of how much better their new film will look if everyone first watches the old one and compares the two.

Man. You really are the angriest geek. After I watch it I'll meet you here, so I too can tear it apart.

Yeah, while I actually like the actor in some things, I really, really, REALLY hate Nip Tuck Doom. Worse, they put him in TWO FF movies. And he got worse in the second. Inexplicable.

I pretty much second every single sentence you just wrote. (And they are still recapping SGU, just a little later as you've probably seen by now.)

I've been thinking that maybe I'm gonna have to cave and watch *shudder* 'The Event' to be able to read a recap once SGU ends.

Yeah, while I voted for Three Inches, and think it could be good, I get the feeling that after a few episodes we would just be frustrated that the character's are so stupid as to not realize the thousands of incredible things they could do with their powers.


Well I do. Sit back as I tell a tale of long forgotten time... the time when season five of SG-1 aired...

Not if it's narrated by Stan Lee.


I do agree with your point that fan-fave != better movie (seriously, why is Serenity winning against anything?), but I disagree that GQ was just in-jokes. As CJ's rant about in-jokes says, it's one thing to just throw references out there but another to do it in a clever way (so Guy's whole routine on the shuttle with

I love, LOVE, Firefly but... Serenity? As a movie, on it's own? How did it even make it past the first round? It's not bad, but it doesn't even belong on this list. This is Summer Glau all over again (and I'm still pissed about Summer/Cameron being robbed by Summer/River, if that matchup ended the way the extended

It's comedic timing is just excellent. And the perfectly delivered one-liners... sooo many one-liners. And to be a good flick otherwise as well? It just adds up to being memorable and an easy sci-fi fan-favorite.

Fuck Fox.