Weapon X

Agreed. What was odd was that when I watched the Director's Cut a couple years after the theatrical release, I couldn't point out THAT much that was different. A couple scenes here and there, some dialogue... but somehow at the end of the movie I immediately felt it was a better movie in that form.

Seconded. Awesome explanation, thanks.

Dude... badass.

Wait... Ronon is in this!? From Stargate Atlantis? That's who I thought I saw for the brief split-second that they showed the actor's face in between all the smoke... that is awesome. The trailer was obviously made for 40 cents in the Philippines by people who only had access to an old IBM AT but I'm definitely gonna

Yeah, I agree the Batwing was awesome and should qualify as a plane. Alasdair did comment below that he was not being totally serious and just wanted to get the shark clip in somehow.


I'm more of a Marvel guy normally but this looks fantastic. And only about 2-3 million times better than the movie with Reynolds. Why didn't they film this as live-action and have Deadpoo—Ryan do the voiceover for his animated film?

Dammit, then I have it too! I should just kill myself... ;)

Also, I'd like to apologize. Upon further review, I should not have attacked someone who suffers from such a debilitating illness (one that affects their entire race, no less). On the other hand, my being a terrible person, as we agreed earlier, should suffice as being explanation enough.

Your entire race has it?! Oh my God, that's so horrible. Someone must be working on a cure... there should at least be something to alleviate the symptoms. If not, maybe you can try some homeopathic remedies. I heard of one that may work, though the evidence is largely anecdotal. I think it's called... a book(?). You

Lol, wtf did I type above? Wish I could still edit comments after navigating away from the article. I don't know what 'folder bolder' is. Think I was trying to say a little bolder or somewhat bolder... dunno how that wound up as 'folder.'

Yup. I'm folder bolder now and will reiterate, I really liked that show. Even the early seasons.

I am a terrible person because, well, it's who I am and frankly I enjoy it. You should probably stay off the internet and go try to find something to help with your condition (Shitheadism?).

Damn, not even close, lol. Well, sort of, if I get any credit for at least guessing a Romance language.

Hmm... I forgot about DS9. From roughly around season 4 onward it is really, really good. Nothing like actual space travel in a show for me, though, which is why I still prefer Voyager and its crew. It does have its own cringe and cheese factor but I still maintain that its no worse now than when it first aired and

I love how a post about Amelia Earhart and DNA testing that barely mentions aliens or space turned into conversations about Star Trek through much of the comments section.

That theory has been a favorite of mine too, ever since I was a kid. It also spawns the best fiction for her disappearance, so many different takes on her as a spy.

I think Voyager holds up better than TNG. The cheese and acting when in Next Gen can be really cringe-worthy way too often. I did the same thing with collecting all Trek but gave up once Blu-Ray came out.

I had to Google-fu it myself since it was driving me crazy. Turns out the Wild West ep was from Enterprise, of all things. [www.startrek.com]