Weapon X

That's right, thanks!

Sweet... something to do if I still don't have a job and the weather stays nice.

How bad is it that I wait for some sort of sign that it's okay to say so before admitting that I loved Voyager as well? That show is hated on so much I'm actually ashamed to admit I like it... on a blog... for nerds/geeks... where I am anonymous. Where people have actually defended 'The Cape.' I mean, it had its many,

Hah, that did make me laugh but SGU barely ever even ran into aliens so Voyager would still be safe from resembling it too much.

Wow, I'm amazed I remembered so much of that. I'm still confused by what the Wild West town of humans memory is from (no, it's not the TNG holodeck I'm thinking of), this was something with aliens now being subservient to humans or something. Whatever.

Thank you for that.

By pulling the stick that's up your ass out a few inches. You need to go down from 'loathsome prick' level to 'somewhat-tolerable know-it-all.'

Haha yeah, it's a dickish thing to do but seeing it twice I couldn't help myself. Thanks for taking it in stride. What language do you speak btw? Usually I'm good with figuring out what words are shared/similar across languages but I have no idea about 'mystery.'


I thought so! You must've posted while I was reading the article since I didn't see your comment before posting mine. Was it the ep where they ran into the descendants of her and others who had been abducted and revolted? For some reason I also remember another episode of descendants of abducted humans that revolted

Or, if it doesn't match, it'll give new fuel for the conspiracy theories.

Actually that's Avery Brooks (aka Commander Sisko on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine).

Now playing

I know, right! And the year 2000 was more than decade ago dammit!!

Frickin lasers, man!

I thought it was a cute alien. And yeah, this style of anime is so much more watchable.

Meh. Of all the places they could have gone with this storyline, this is the least interesting one. I don't think I'm gonna waste time on this, I'd rather just re-watch Event Horizon.

Dammit, I was heading into this next year of Marvel movies with very low, easily met expectations. Why are they producing such awesome trailers now? I'm too pumped for this after that, primed for a(nother) big letdown.

I did not know that existed. And you're right, I almost think the Iglesias song is parodying the other one.

Well I still watch BBT... admittedly only after I've run out of anything else to do, read or watch. But it's good for when I've watched all the shows I wanted to but need something to kill a little bit of time while eating or something. Community, on the other hand, I watch immediately.

There's gotta be a first time. I mean, leaving the audition tape aside, the whole premise and every bit of plot they've actually admitted to so far has been ridiculous.