Weapon X

Will not get my hopes up, will not get my hopes up, will not get my... dammit.

I thought I noticed a split-second scene in the trailer showing Beast undergoing the change from human skin to blue fur.

Despite my screen-name, I'm a little fuzzy on X-Men backstory, been a while. I thought there was some story arc I had read many years ago which revealed that Azazel was in fact Nightcrawler himself in the future and had traveled back in time, or something. Wasn't he the same 'demon' who had trapped the X-Men at some

Or (gasp!) Windows robots marrying Linux robots!!

An Android is not a machine. It isn't even a phone. It's a mobile device operating system. Duh.

He said "if you say any two PEOPLE who love each other can get married, then you set that precedent."

Okay we need more of this insanity. I might actually watch Idol if people started showing up dressed up as Spider-Man and singing the theme song(s) as well. Black Canary would work well.

Whatever contingency plan is put into place to deal with this in the slim chance it becomes a real threat obviously needs to be code-named "Teal'c".


I agree but I don't think that distinction is relevant to the above as both are still bad and have plenty to make fun of. While good-bad has some enjoyable moments to watch on its own for characters, dialogue, plain silliness or other factors, it is still also fun to rip apart.

Agreed. Wasn't it '09 that was supposed to be epic? Star Trek, Transformers:RotF, Terminator: Salvation & Wolverine all in the same month? Or am I mixing up years? That was a pretty giant disappointment all in all (and I liked Trek and didn't hate Terminator but still... three guesses which movie I was really waiting

I use Chrome and I get the same deal you do. It is annoying to not be able to click back to the main article from a gallery. I open the gallery in a new tab but that is also annoying so I hope it's something they're working on.

Hah, maybe I will watch it. My friends and I did have fun doing group viewings/roasts of the last couple seasons of Heroes. If The Event has just one moment like The Cape did where Fleming randomly plays holographic 3d chess with no purpose then randomly tosses everything into the air... well that alone was worth 5

Definitely. If 'V' gets its deserved ax as well, I'll really be bummed. I can enjoy good tv w/o the io9 recaps but there's so little of it on that I find I really rely on the extra-terrible shows and the recaps they reap here to keep me going. That, and run-on sentences.

My brain struggled to try and reconcile that sentence for a good ten seconds or so. I mean, was he trying to say it would fry his drive? Or did he mean burn in to disc? Seriously, I think the show made ME bsod.

That is the best explanation of the show I've heard.

There is actually so much ridiculousness in this show that I didn't even notice those massive inconsistencies. Seriously, whose frakkin house was that?

I'm having too much fun watching bad tv just to read the io9 recaps later. Is 'The Event' as bad as 'V' or even 'The Cape?' Cuz if it is, I'll watch it too just so I can thoroughly understand and enjoy reading CJ and Meredith tear it apart.