Weapon X

I'd actually much rather the show turn into a constant Goggles and Hicks vs. the Cape and Orwell episodic saga rather than whatever the hell it is right now.

OH, yes thanks for reminding me... me too!!! Cannot even share an article on FB!? wtf? The recommend button works fine but sometimes we may want to post something to our own/friend's wall and maybe say something about it... don't you want the pub, Gawker/io9??

I agree, definitely weird. It's the first thing I thought of when I saw that image. And it's not just her lips, I don't think. She just looks... off. Somehow.

If it wasn't for your comment about reading his comment more closely, I would still be thinking we'd be treated to more giant robot testicles. Colossus robot testicles.

And then some (more).

I believe he gets the 'indestructible' one post deep-freeze (in modern times, not WW2). I think that's also when he gets cocky and decides he doesn't need a gun (...hmmm). Though I could be wrong, been a while since I brushed up on Cap's backstory.

Sweet, thx! (Too.many.memes.)

Yeah, I agree, if GL had committed to taking itself seriously throughout it may have come across much better. Funny that the Cap suit looks so much better so far considering it's arguably a much more ridiculous looking costume.

How awesome/hilarious/terrible would it be if it actually was that? And how big of a fail is your movie idea if you have to first convince people that it's not really going to consist of two people yelling grid numbers at each other?

Yeah I agree, TDK was pretty much Batman in Chicago. As a Chicagoan that was cool to see but didn't give me any sort of feeling that it was 'Gotham.' I hope they can strike some sort of balance with that in the third film, keep some of the big sweeping Chicago shots but mix in some unique Gotham look into some scenes.

Yeah sorry, not all that subtle to those of us who live in either city. Maybe in very small snapshots of neighborhoods or certain blocks but overall they're drastically, drastically different styles and architecture. Unless you mean the suburbs. Those look the same everywhere.

I have no doubt that at some point in the movie a pissed off military commander is going to incredulously say to the enemy "You sunk my battleship!" That's going to be cringe-worthy enough.

What the hell is that!? That is awesome. Also, I'm getting more of a triumphant, Shawshank sort of vibe from that pose rather than sinister/evil.

Could be Flash imitating Spidey, which has been done in several comic and animated versions. Or the Chameleon, which has also had multiple iterations, though I don't think you're having two villains active in this movie so it's doubtful. There's no way clone saga stuff is involved people, relax.

Troy taking notes during the Annie & Abed sex montage was the best, though. That and the "You're the AT&T of people!' line made up for not having Troy do/say quite as much this ep.

Okay, I was pretty dubious about this flick for a long time now but those shots look freakin awesome! What a big difference in reaction to this versus the Green Lantern.

Sorry, but there's no 'tau' button on my TI so 'fine' off.

Good thing I put in the 'not sure, tho' disclaimer at the end ;)

And she's British! Perfect. (or at least, I think she is, too lazy to check)

Nice reference to '33' ;)