Sounds like you need a large shed or a barn to store your cars
Sounds like you need a large shed or a barn to store your cars
Well, if gay people can be racist, poly thruples can be neo-Confederate
Don’t forget the US had Goddard and the entire JPL, who were doing remarkable stuff with less resources than the Nazi’s. Just as the Soviets had their own brilliant rocket pioneers
Well the SRB is a remarkably good design now all the fatal flaws have been sorted. Almost as good as the Energia. It’s not surprising that Launch Alliance and NASA want to reuse it.
Fun Fact: The newspaper that later became The Sun was still a semi-official publication of the Labour Party & TUC(Trade Union Congress) and minority owned by the TUC.
The British tabloids have been tapping peoples communications for a lot longer than I thought.
I love the word moist, but I do think the term mouth feel is an abomination that is only acceptable in relation to oral sex.
Was she seriously trying to say that the US was the first country to outlaw slavery?
Lets not mention that Warcraft is heavily based on Warhammer.
Can’t they also make vaccination a requirement for the American equivalent of a GCSE?
It wasn’t the hostile political & economic climate, incompetent management or militant unions, it was that tart Jenny in Accounting!
If you can’t see what you are doing while having sex without contacts or glasses, you are probably legally blind.
Or even better, Tom Baker. His narration for Little Britain was a masterpiece. Stephen Fry might do the job
Do you think it would help the Chevy Silverado?
There’s also Python the Hard Way and if you can still find it, Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby went further than most intro works and is a good read as well.
I’m not sure if they are sleazy, but any corporation that’s spunked as much on Formula 1 as they have over the years obviously has more money than sense.
Firstly a cheese toastie in a frying pan which was mentioned above, which you can add lots of stuff to like ham & chutney or sweet pickle, or both.
It’s not ideal, but it’s the most representative data set available.
It’s about ethics in food criticism!
There are very few waste incinerators out there that generate electricity. I think there are 3 in the UK and I don’t think the US has proportionally many more.