
I found Xulima so fun, I actually had 2 play throughs going at once with different party compositions. If you do end up getting it, get the "Golot" dlc or addon (whatever it is called), that gives you an amulet that helps you a bit. Since the game doesn't hold your hand at all, it's easy to get stuck and have no clue

If you haven't played Lords of Xulima, and you enjoy turn-based party RPGs like Wizardry, Might and Magic, kick yourself in the butt first for not playing it yet, then go play it.

There really is no amount of words that will ever "stop" someone like this, or the Gamergate movement in general. Because of what the Internet is, words are pretty much our only legitatmate weapon, and Gamersgate thrives on the attention words bring them and they exist to argue against your words. They were born from

5E Theater of the Mind is absolutely doable. I'm running the Starter Set adventure for a group of friends, and we've agreed on a hybrid system where we're using minis and maps, but ignoring the squares and fudging distances. The players wanted to have some visual representation of what's going on, as opposed to me

I plan to run simple encounters gridless and more complex encounters with multiple enemies with a grid.

Grids and minis are never mentioned in the core rules themselves. There's a sidebar that offers it as an optional rule. So gridless is the default. Ranges and movement are in increments of 5 feet, so switching back and forth is painless.

I pray the time never comes when you find yourself facing a problem at work, and you decide that scat singing is the solution - that's what these poor souls did, and they're professional musicians, presumably - imagine the damage you could do.

snakes and barrels

I wish I still had my original big brick 4 battery 1989 gameboy, sadly it was stolen out of my parents car when we went to see Armageddon back in 1998. Yeah, a shitty movie AND having your gameboy stolen, bad night.

Oh I'd love to read your review, Mr. Cubone Libre, sir.

Here, let me, offer a different perspective (after which I really must go and polish those Stephen Hawkings statuettes I don't have). I jumped into the rather unfraylike fray and poked gentle fun at the implied bossiness of what the professor should or should not spend his time doing. Here's the actual quote of my

That 1-2 run was awesome. This has reminded me that it's about time I should replay this game. Still my favorite after all these years.

I'm starting to think that not even remotely understanding what the first amendment actually means or protects is a requirement for being a modern American conservative. Like seriously, it's probably the first thing they ask them when the line up for the Klan meeting.

Watch your fucking mouth!!! Those are sacred lands!! How do I know? Well, each and every time I am on one, I pray to the golf gods to have mercy on my game. And just like all other religions, I'm still waiting for a response, that's how I know it's real.

I think that whole Egyptian worship thing went to their heads.

Now playing

Super Wine Glass: listen to this neat rendition of the Super Mario Bros. theme song, played on a ton of wine glasses and a frying pan. (Via Dan Newbie)

Say, "I hate the elitism", half the responses are, "WELL THE PC IS BETTER DON'T KID YOURSELF CONSOLES WILL NEVER BE BETTER".