Wow, that's really disheartening. I am rooting for them, their game's lately have been pretty top-quality. I want to also throw in my two cents with everyone else pushing for a more robust eShop!
Wow, that's really disheartening. I am rooting for them, their game's lately have been pretty top-quality. I want to also throw in my two cents with everyone else pushing for a more robust eShop!
I always thought that if they had secured a release of GTA3 or Vice City on the Gamecube, some of the financial problems of that era could have been mitigated.
Ouch! I hope it never comes to that. I loved Sega so much when they made hardware.
I can see that, for sure. The article does point out that GTAV was produced, including the marketing, for $260 million. I'm hoping this is not going to become an arms race at the expense of creativity. This is a shooter designed to slowly replace the COD franchise.
The point I'm making is that if budgets rise like this, it's not going to be good for the industry. Big name studios will have to make games that recoup that money, so innovative ideas could potentially shrivel, while ideas that "work" will continue to be iterated upon. A common criticism of the COD franchise.
CEO Bobby Kotick has revealed that Activision is spending $500 million to try and make Destiny a hit. That's half a billion dollars, which is very likely more money than has ever been spent on a video game before. Dang.
This looks really good! Nintendo may not be doing so well right now, but to me, this shows that their worlds leave an impression on people's imaginations.
Sevier reckons that if gay residents "have the right to marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object."
Oh, I'm right there with you. There are so many games that were important to me that I would love to see hit the newer consoles, or be remade & upgraded in some way. There are plenty of games that while charming the way they are, would be suited to enhancements that would re-introduce them to new players, while also…
That is generally what I've heard as the years went on. I remember it being good fun, but I never owned it, so it was always a fun rental. I love platformers, so I'm definitely enjoying this go-around of SMB3.
I never finished this game when it came out, so when it arrived on 3DS, I snatched it up to finally have a real go at it.
Not sarcastic at all. The video game crash of 1983 is touchstone of the industry. I have personally always hoped that the legend was true, that these cartridges had indeed been buried. And there it is.
YES! A thousand times YES! I've always hoped this had been true, and it is! What an awesome discovery for videogame culture!
Wow, that article paints an interesting picture. I've heard elsewhere that the tech industry is headed towards unsustainable growth and that bubble will pop. Do you suppose this is a harbinger of a coming bubble burst?
I would whole-heartedly agree. The ancient Egyptians established the dynamic, and cats have steadfastly clung to it.
In this first video, we see what happens when you apply the basic principles of explosive projectiles to a trash can. Making it a trash cannon.
As a cat's hired help ( "owner," yeah right ) and a veterinary technician, I can tell you that cats are very complex. One needs to really play close attention to figure out how to "read" them. Even then, it usually boils down to what can you do for them right then. They're like the worst room-mate you'll ever have.…
This is a great piece that I'm emailing to my friends. Very well written and thought provoking!