I don't get to use this phrase very often at my job, and that's a shame.
I don't get to use this phrase very often at my job, and that's a shame.
This is so surreal! I love it!
It's refreshing to hear that at least one person learned from a mistake! I'm in agreement with you about the repercussions; I'm not going to pay any amount of money in annuity to listen to people anonymously be as vulgar as they can.
Honestly, my mind jumped to King.com. Glad that I was wrong!
Congratulations dumb-ass?
I can see that now, "you didn't arm the bomb, ARGH! GO BUTTER YOUR TOAST ON THE UNDERSIDE!!!1!1"
Oh jeez, I work with animals, and let me tell you: cats are wonderful, but absolutely frightening when they want to be. The biggest thing is that they're fast. They can switch from relatively calm to literally screaming & fighting full force in an instant.
Of course a rapist should get a paid vacation from their job. How can there still be stories of out-of-control police? How long do they get to act like a state-sponsored, tax payer funded gang?
Ha! Aren't they just the most adorable things? I work as a veterinary technician, so I get to see all types of cute bodily functions form them! They always want to give kisses after they've been puking. Thanks for that!
One of my dogs used to do that too! People never believe me either when I tell them about it!
Oh jeez, you made my evening with this comment! Good show!
I'm with you on that. I used to like playing FPS, but the whole anonymous voice-chat-bigotry truly ruined the experience.
Ouch! I feel bad that you've had a negative experience where I found such enjoyment. But I suppose everyone has different tastes. I too had a NES, then I got the Genesis. I really wanted the Saturn, but ended up getting a Playstation.
Perhaps it was ahead of it's time, and some of the games were of Nintendo quality. The red & black did it no favors, and it was gone before it ever got a foothold. For a company so dedicated to creating quality gaming systems, it was certainly the worst thing they made, and I'm hard pressed to think of a worse…
Neat! I like to think that a company in serious trouble would not undertake a new building project if they were in sore shape. But I don't economics or business, so...
Great Northern playset includes hidden passageways, and battery operated music player to keep Agent Cooper awake all night.
He probably really misses Lycos too. I know I do.
Very cute! Psycho cats do this then swipe at you, as a veterinary technician, I am familiar with the "no really, I'm your pal" move cats use.
Oh yes, there have been far worse consoles. Even with fun games it's hard to deny the Virtual Boy it's honorific. It's so interesting to hear from people who owned a 3DO.
Oh jeez, this is so on point that it's ridiculous!