
Sure, but the movie doesn't have to slavishly duplicate what happens in the comics. They already make so many changes that don't work that well, why not keep a character around who is working well on screen?—by which I mean don't kill her in the first place (too late!).

A spider-powered Gwen would be cool, although personally I would prefer a spider-powered Mary Jane a la Spider-Island, the current Spider-man movies haven't really found their footing yet, or built enough context to go that far off the reservation. As much as I want the movies to go as deep as the comics, they really

Totally. There are so many Spidey stories ripe for adaptation. Let Gwen rest in peace for at least one movie.

A smarter thing to do would be not to killer her off in the second movie. I know, she dies in the comic, but they take so many liberties with the source material already there is no reason not to make changes were it works. They can always killer Gwen in the next movie.


I've only seen the first half of The Goonies.

I mean, RHPS isn't supposed to, like, be a good movie, so if you are going to dislike it because it's shitty maybe it's just not for you.

I've made peace with the fact that I will never see Grease. I've had plenty of opportunity and I just can't make myself care.

Me too. Never too late. Maybe even better to watch it late as you'll probably appreciate it more then your younger self, if your anything like me anyway—my younger self was a jackass.

Man, Adam I wish I was you so I could watch The Shining for the first time right now.

Adam, stop checking the comments section and go watch The Shining right now!

I feel ya. I had almost the exact same deal. And when they came back to fix it they connected my other neighbor—who isn't even a cable customer—instead of reconnecting me.

Yeah, masterpiece might be a bit of a stretch. Unless you mean it like: "yeah, that was a real masterpiece. Way to go genius!"

I get where your coming from, but let's be fair, Krishnappa is a hard name to remember.

This is true. I have first hand knowledge. Every once in a while the mute button will be broken and the customer will get an earful. Happens about once a year per large call center in my experience.

I love Morning Spoilers—read it everyday. But you think maybe we should make a distinction between spoilers and rumors? They are sometimes the same thing, well, only when the rumor is accurate. And they are always only rumors until proven accurate.

Hail Satan!

Ah, excuse me, it's actually X-Men 164 not 184 where Carol Danvers becomes Binary. It's collected in Essential X-Men Vol. 4. I would recommend reading the whole Brood Saga arc starting at X-Men 162. It's maybe Claremont's finest writing. Not as flashy as the Dark Phoenix Saga, but more subtle (and it's still not very

Some, not me mind you, but some, might see that comment as a dick move.

Great idea! I'm glad you mention the cummberbund thing before it was too late. The team of tatoo artists that has been working on my tuxedo since this morning is just finishing up the torso.