
I feel ya.

Do you think this is the final one or will there be a final final form after this form is defeated? A Safer Sephiroth, I mean, Safer Ultron if you will.

Often, just when you think you have defeated the final boss, they reveal their true form. Sometimes you have to repeat this process a few times. Also, when sometimes I have to reveal my true form like when I get really bad service at a restaurant. Happens to even the best of us.

Oh, now I get it.

Did DeLillo say this or did Murray Jay Suskind?

I've thiugh about getting a full body tuxedo tattoo. "Who is that WaxMan guy who is always so well dressed and complaining about how cold it is?" Is what people would say.

There we go. That's what I'm here for.

Man, I loved Terra Nova. And admittedly, it's not a very good show and a few episodes are down right bad, but it could have been good. It had a lot of interesting concepts—the time travel/alternate universe stuff, future dystopia, the conflict between the colony and their old world masters, whatever the hell the

While I certainly hope that is the case, your experience with 3 out of 6,000 ranges isn't quite exhaustive enough to be considered conclusive.

The only thing that can stop a bad animatronic mouse with a gun is a good animatronic mouse with a gun.

What do you call the merger of a Chuck E. Cheese and a gun range that caters to children? Chuck "Eat Lead" Cheese? There is definitely a good joke here somewhere if someone can think of a better merged name.

OK, not trying give ammunition to the anti-flu shot crowd, but once my mom got a flu shot and I guess the nurse did it wrong and hit an nerve and she (mom) was in serious pain when lifting her arm for about a year. I think this is entirely because the nurse F'ed up and not because of the shot itself. I got a flu shot

Also, WTF: "Some firing ranges cater to children, they have birthday parties and special events."

This just in: Guns Pose Serious Health Hazards Say Experts!

I vote for this one. It could be just like the TNG episode "The Neutral Zone" where in they discover some folk cryogenically frozen in the late twentieth century—including that cowboy dude that calls Picard "Capt. Pick-erd." Either that or the new Enterprise finds a derelict vessel where someone (surprise it's Denny

I'll second that.

Yeah I know Original Kirk is dead, but they could bring him over to the new timeline before his death in the original timeline. So, I guess what I mean is I want Original Pre-Death Kirk!

Oh right. Got ya. You would prefer new timeline Old Kirk? I want Original Kirk!

Yep. Basically exactly the same way Nimoy is back playing old Spock. I don't think Shatner has seen the recent Trek movies.

Srsly. Has Shatner even seen or read any science fiction? Clones, time travel, alternate time line, parallel universe, genetic engineering, no explanation at all, all of the above: there are so many ways to bring a character back!