There's nothing like a good space battle. NOTHING!
There's nothing like a good space battle. NOTHING!
I'm quickly losing confidence in Burton - Alice in Wonderland was predictable and not as fun as I hoped (though the designs were true Burton-fare), Dark Shadows doesn't really look that cool to me, but this... Oh man, THIS!
If Grimm was done this way... I'd watch the shit out of that. :D
This is what Grimm should've been like.
Holy fuck this looks brilliant. I CAN'T WAIT!
It's gotten a whole lot better over the years. I was pretty unimpressed with the whole of season 1, but when season 2 kicked off the main storyline, things got great pretty quickly, and have been (mostly) staying there.
They can't do that. The reason? Starz already saw GoT, shot all the writers and cancelled the show. SWIFT JUSTICE FTW! :P
Well, at least now no one can complain about not getting "deep and complex" characters, right?
Ignore this please.
Hearted for the Fringe-reference. :)
Ah, now THIS makes sense! I keep forgetting that Walter's not in the Alternate Team, and is really a COMPLETELY different person there. Thanks! :)
*chants* Walter cooking show! Walter cooking show! :D
What was the Alternate Fringe Unit doing while this was happening indeed. How was it pulled off - were there a double set of "machines" set around the city (with one in each universe)? This was a really good episode, but there should've been some explanation as to just what was occurring in the Altverse, especially…
;) *crosses fingers*
Ah, I definitively see what you mean about the "personal purgatory" now. :)
A little unsure of what you mean by "individual purgatories", but I agree - season 3 (their worst season BY FAR) was largely because of retooling, combined with Writer's Strike.
I don't know about that [LOST milking it out, and when it started], but I do agree with your other statement - there are a lot of shows with interesting premises and stories today (Alcatraz, The Event, Flashforward, Once Upon a Time, etc. etc.) but they don't have the (quite frankly) fantastic…
The writers said that the first season will answer a lot of the mysteries throughout - they weren't interested in making another LOST, but wanted to have one season of story and build the subsequent seasons out from that.
Having seen the first episode (it's already aired in Norway) I can safely say that it's worth watching. The monster, frankly, wasn't that great (it looks kinda like the smoke monster in LOST), but that's not really what I care about - it's story, plotting and characters all the way for me. And those three are in…
I cried so much during the last part of The Kindly Ones, and all through The Wake - I liked the old Sandman best to, but what is amazing is that this was, really, Morpheus' plan SINCE THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE FIRST VOLUME (even though he may not have known that he was heading this way). All the subtle clues and…