
It should also be very obvious that they’re not as smart as Rick is, even if they think they are when they see and understand his points. I mean, how many of those fans have an interdimensional portal gun?

Crimson King is The Dark Tower-series’ Big Bad.

The movie isn’t about fear of death at all! It’s about how the experience of bad meaningless (forced) hook-ups follows you around for the rest of your life and makes it hard to open up to other people, because you’re always wondering if they want to just have sex or if they want something more. The ending is supposed


All the problems people blame Lindelof for in Prometheus were even worse in the original draft. He toned them down and avoided many of them, then got the blame.

The first draft of the Green Lantern-script is great. Studio notes and meddling killed that one, to be honest.

Yes. Yes it is. Thinking about is just makes me want to watch it again. And I've seen it, like, close to twenty times now. It's just a fantastic film.

I... huh? The first season is just eight or nine episodes, ending with a many minor cliffhangers and one MAJOR one. The mystery is solved in the first half of season two, and then it's backstory time (plus a lot of... patchiness.)

Counter-point; there's a lot of penis in teenagers' life as well...

But come on....

My thoughts exactly. That would've been fantastic.

That's just your theory though. That wasn't spoon fed to the audience. I get that Jacob needed think MiB had won in order for him to get defeated, but the rest wasn't confirmed in-show.

Well then, what was it? It can't have been "forcing another person to do the deed", because who the fuck would've used two thousand years or something to figure that out!

Yeah, something like that.

I agree it was disappointing, but while it was a weak season I felt it worked as an ending.

Ah, yes, that's how that worked! But there was something regarding the crack in the wall as well, because how else would Rory be one of the plastic Romans?

No, a lot of people were pissed, but that doesn't change the fact that it was explained.

Thanks! I like it more than what they went with; while we did get a lot of answers in the last season, most of it was sort of vague. But then, I never did want an answer to "what was the island" - whatever theory they'd confirm or delve into its backstory, it would've been stupid (purgatory, corrupted garden of eden,