
Wow. I'm of the Younger Generations, (though I too grew up with Star Wars) but those prequels are BAD. B-A-D. Of course, I didn't really get how bad they were for a while, and I still thing the third one is a really decent film (and they're all Star Wars, so I kinda love them) but they are horrid, dumb movies. It's

Now that is fantastic. And I do agree, but we've all sort of come to accept how shit the prequels is. What people continue to be annoyed with Lucas is is inability to stay away from the original movies, or releasing them to us.

the prequels are an abomination, yes, but we've all come to accept that. The thing that's brought up again and again with Lucas and his new releases of the film series is his tampering with the original trilogy.

This is just stupid. I mean, we haven't complained that he made the movies - we absolutely love and adore the movies. We complain and bitch and moan because he's DESTROYING the original versions we love and adore!


Damn it.

I have to say, I enjoyed it. It has intriguing mysteries, and these first episodes do a good job at presenting the premise, the mysteries and the characters. Also, they only have 63 episodes (that's 61 left now) of "a prisoner a week", leading me to believe that this show won't bullshit around so much.

That is true, but there are just way too many of these Burn Notice-ish shows, and most of them don't really have a great storyline after a while. They just... meander. I dunno. Perhaps I'm in a bit of a "argh, why can't every television show be Breaking Bad, Sherlock or Lost?"-mood today. :/

I have yet to watch Farscape and Babylon 5 (and 2012 is the year I'm doing something about that!), so I merely skimmed your post. But it sounds very, very promising and cool! :D

Chemistry is key, I think. Look at Fringe, Warehouse 13, Chuck, Supernatural - these are good procedural shows, all with excellent characters and actors with good chemistry.

This. You're hearted, and I completely and utterly agree on every point.

I will never understand people who say "I want those six years back", and "Lost was fucking terrible". Yeah, sure, the ending wasn't really that great. Still - you probably had some damn good times watching that show (I know I did), and sometimes that's enough. If the end of a book disappoints you, but you love the

Season 4 and 5 of Lost is the two most engaging, exciting and just plain awesome seasons of television I have ever watched. So damn good.

The "an X a week"-premise, with a central mystery, is getting old. Network television needs to stop it already. This is what made Lost a huge success - it told a story where, at the end of an episode, there wasn't much that were solved. It was just another week with these characters on that island. And that's the fun

TV needs more SERIALIZED stories, not "an X a week".

I really, really don't hope that the J.J. Abrams era of television is over, because when it's pulled off well it is glory to behold. A great and interesting central mystery, decent (going into good as the show progresses) characters, and tons of fun sci-fi/fantasy to see.

+10 internet points for referencing my favorite graphic novel series. :)

Nope, no ghost. There IS a creepy ghost child which I think is her unborn child - the guy that was there before is her ex-boyfriend, and he (probably along with her father) made her have an abortion. So she goes insane and kills them in revenge or something.

I'd love the one where they go to the moon or "The Seven Crystal Balls". The first one will probably come later, but I'm really crossing my fingers for the latter - I just love that story.