This would've made a great and interesting fantasy show. I'm sad to see it go; it has a kick-ass premise, great actors, interesting worldbuilding...
This would've made a great and interesting fantasy show. I'm sad to see it go; it has a kick-ass premise, great actors, interesting worldbuilding...
Oh my god, so many books! YAY! :D
I can't wait! *runs off to read the book that I've been putting off for such a long time*
I'd like to read some of those pulpy, fleet warfare sci-fi's, if you have any great tips. :)
This reminds me, I'm planning to read all of HELLBOY in 2012 - where does one start, and which order is it best to read them in? :/
Well, there goes that.
Aw, thank you so so much. :)
We've solved it. The biggest, most ambitious project in Hollywood AND the UK, and we figured it out before it was revealed to us!
Have to agree with Pessimippopotamus here - best typo ever!
Holy shit.
That... is just spooky, and really, really possible. O.o
My pleasure. (What I've really done is dragged down your expectations, so that when you see the film you can be hugely surprised and thrilled. It's all going to work out fine.)
It would make sense because all you really need in the Prometheus-movies is the knowledge that "there's this fellow called The Doctor, and he went mad and created a whole bunch of crazy stuff, messed with time and space and so on. He was essentially a mad scientist with God-like superpowers, and we're suffering the…
Wow, yeah, I hadn't even thought about that!
I do see your point about remakes and different versions, and I'd be fine with a Hollywood re-imagening of Doctor Who... if the show had been cancelled, and wasn't airing.
In real life (that above was just a dream scenario... sadly) I don't think anyone knows what's really going on with Yates, Moffat and the DW-movie. But I agree with Moffat (who is hopefully backed by the BBC) here - the movie has to be in continuity with the tv-show. Yes, it can introduce a new Doctor with new…
Holy shit this looks beautiful. I had no idea what they were saying, or what was going on, but I am onboard for the visuals alone!
That made me laugh out loud. Hearted. ;)
The mysterious man in the trailer is The Doctor. No, no, please - just hear me out.
Hearted and promoted. Yes, I am that much of a Firefly geek, and this scene... Man, this scene... ;(