That sound you're hearing? That's my confidence in this movie getting whisked away to that parallel dimension where Firefly still airs, and this movie was good.
That sound you're hearing? That's my confidence in this movie getting whisked away to that parallel dimension where Firefly still airs, and this movie was good.
I went into Gamer not really expecting anything, and was given a cool sci-fi action flick with a great villain. (Really, yes, I loved him.) It is absolutely one of my favorite action flicks, because of one thing; it was actually entertaining. A lot of action films are just dull, but this was cool, stylish and... well,…
These people made the two Crank-movies and Gamer (one of the coolest sci-fi films that year). It stars Nic Cage and Idris Elba, has a totally insane Antichrist-plot and features (what looks like) great action scenes.
I've played it. And crapped my pants. o.O
Again, fantastic premise. Now you just need some great characters, a good story surrounding it and a kick-ass ending.
This would be a FANTASTIC premise for a horror film - light is dangerous (somehow). It means that the characters HAVE to stay in the dark, and run like hell when light comes toward them.
It looks like Escape From New York meets Die Hard IN SPACE.
I actually really, really like Dreamcatcher. It's sort of a guilty pleasure, but it's weird and funny and a bit gonzo. I don't know why, I just really liked it.
If this is a reference to something Kasdan wrote, I didn't get it.. :/
I skimmed it...
I may be repeating myself, but hell; this movie is awesome. It's been in the cinemas since October here in Norway, and it really is a motion picture worthy of Hergé's characters and story.
Aw, shucks. I was so excited for this Paradise Lost-film (which is written by Lawrence Kasdan. LAWRENCE KASDAN, people!). :(
My thoughts went there as well.
It's basically Mad Men + Ocean's Eleven IN SPACE. I mean, WHO doesn't want to see that?
Oh, you meant his - [] ? The thing Warren Ellis linked to?
You know what, I think we should just write this right away. As a steampunk space opera. In space.
I vote we do it Steampunk-style. Always a great idea. Right?
My problem with GRIMM is about the characters, yes, but also about the monsters. I mean, the monsters are just humans with weird faces that only Nick can see. They're not dangerous, and they don't do anything special... They just have feuds that have been going on like forever.