
Yeah. I want things like Once Upon a Time and Pan's Labyrinth - gritty, yet simple and beautiful fantasy/fairytales.

Stephen King is the greatest entertainment writer alive. And by that I mean that yes, most of his books are crap and suffer from a weak ending - the part where he reveals what's going on and his explanations behind NEVER holds up, but nearly ALL of his books are entertaining. Some might not be up your alley, but most

All for turning Terra Nova into ash. My god, what a ridiculously cool premise totally wasted with flat characters, uninteresting situations and just plain old dull storytelling that may makes leaps forward but just seems stupid.

Um. Well, this is awkward.

I know about the standard "rule of thumb", and I use it frequently. But not when a pilot's THAT bad. It was such a mess, with almost nothing I liked about it - unfocused, jumpy, slow-moving in a very tedious way, terrible characters and...

The reason Munsters is going to be excellent is because of Bryan Fuller. I'd watch anything with that man in charge after the superb Pushing Daisies.

Dude, Hell on Wheels is really, really bad. Saw the pilot for it, and it was quite possibly the WORST episode of television I have seen this year.

I read it in Eddie Murphy's voice.

Well, it is a vile and horrifying movie, but it makes you think, something that the later Saw-movied do not.

I came here to say that. :( (Hearted though. Because you should've been a looong time ago (in a galaxy far far away.).)

Hey, I came here to say that! *shakes fist*

Did you stick with it to the bitter end? Martyrs totally switches genres two or three times during the course of the film, and toward the end it all (well, most of it) makes sense. It is a fantastic little horror/torture porn/thriller. The torture-porn parts of it are different from other movies because they actually

I think the reason it looks generic is because it has to - the film will probably subvert or avoid clichés, but in the trailer they have to play it straight. Or, at least relatively straight.

I have the screenplay btw. If you're THAT interested and just can't wait for the film to be released. :)

Cool teenagers, weird sci-fi things, a lab of some kind, and something so massive and horrific that they can only begin to fathom it as time quickly runs out. Dammit, I want to see this movie NOW!

The sequel to a great creature feature/adventure film that hardly gets any love? I'LL TAKE IT!

Well, Dead Snow was fun. Silly, stupid, clichéd fun, but fun nonetheless. Hansel and Gretel sounds fun, and it has a much more clever and cool story than Dead Snow.

Fantastic! Hearted. :)

Still, your comment is kinda valid. Everything's there, so why flesh it out even MORE.