
I really, really hope you didn't just spoil the Big Love series finale. Because that's not fair.

Oh, great. Here we go again. /snarky

I've always said that this movie will probably be my favorite (mainstream) superhero flick in 2011. First trailer was pretty cool, but it made me think I'd like Captain America more. But now? Hell no. Much more psyched for this now.

I'm expecting Alcatraz and Locke & Key to be my new "OMG this is great"-tv-shows. I'll probably watch Terra Nova for the fun-factor, and ignore Wonder Woman entirely.

What the HELL is that? Because it looks awesome. And it's yet another reason why I cannot WAIT for this show! :D

This trailer makes me squee, it has me in awe and I'm getting goosebumps. Season 6 seems to be filled with Steven Spielberg-wonderment. I AM WAY TOO EXCITED FOR THIS! :D:D:D:D:D:D

Is it wrong that I'm more psyched for this than HBO's adaptation of GAME OF THRONES? :/

Strange. I have the same feeling.

God I love that film. :)

Stephen King is a great author. The only problem is that he uses too much time with his characters, and focuses less on his story than he should. Now, don't get me wrong, I love well-defined and strong characters, but the fact is that the first half of most of his books are about getting to know them. Then the story

I have watched the whole first season and some of season two, solely because of people I know saying it's hilarious. I laughed maybe ten times during the whole run.

I imagine him writing the screenplay for a new film, then re-writing it with one (and only ONE) thought in mind; "Where can I put tentacles?" And, of course, in SUPER, the obvious scene to put tentacles was the inspiration-for-superheroics-scene. I mean, duh.

That would be brilliant.

Meh. Not enough "smurf"-puns.

The more footage I see, the more I want to see this film. It looks like The Goonies + E.T, with a bit of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS. In other words; it looks magical.

Another brilliant short-story about Elder Ones is Neil Gaiman's A STUDY IN EMERALD, which you can find here; []

Yeah, that... That actually makes sense. :)

Hm. I've seen Mulholland Dr., but don't see any obvious "borrowing". Explanation please? :/