
I don't know. I think Fiers needs to be a little humble there instead of challenging the whole team and spiking the ball as he gets pushed off the field swaying like he's drunk.

It's hard to believe you and I saw the same video. Fiers needs to show some humility for almost killing Stanton then plunking Johnson up high right away. Fiers didn't have to into full on mouth breather mode when Miami justifiably emotionally reacted. It's Friers' fault that Stanton is in the hospital and Ryan Braun

Yeah, Fiers should have just put his hand up to apologize and his head down. He looked like a fucking psychopath.

Yes, I agree. A short while after I typed this I realized I shouldn't detract from the main point of the article. I unfortunately missed the edit time window. That's my fault.

He just made a catch. He definitely has a concussion, right? I think we're looking at double concussion game. Shades of 2013 Percy Harvin.

Great article. I see other people have mentioned domestic abuse perpetrated on men and child abuse. All types of domestic abuse need constant awareness for the way they're under reported and under discussed.

This seems innocent until you realize both teams have now been banned from bowl games for accepting illegal benefits.


"The bigger punishment is going to come on Monday, when she goes back to class and has to look a lot of her classmates in the eye."

I had a strong feeling Daniel Snyder would never really get it when I got this in my email:

Well, spending the first half of his life doing something so boring should prepare him for the second half of his life which will be equally mind numbing:

I don't actually...

"It is never OK to put your hands on a woman.

Seems like he didn't watch all the scouting tapes Hideki Matsui left behind. If he had, he would have known bears always go the other way.


If Kidd was smart he would try to get ahead of this story. His wife will be relieved to hear he'll be beating someone else to the punch.

Look at it from the other side: Cersei does everything she does to protect her kids (an admirable trait). She becomes so pathetic I felt myself feeling bad for her. Jaime does as many fucked up things as anyone, including what I interpreted as raping his sister in the sept, getting Jory killed, Bran out the window,

Yes!! Totally agree with all of this too!!

Long winded or not, I agree with everything you're saying. I think you're really spot on. You were able to get out a lot of what I was trying to get across.