
Yeah, the Giants home park looks incredible, and being in Seattle for a rain soaked Seahawks game looks fun.

New York, Toronto, Boston, Pittsburgh, D.C., Baltimore, Charlotte, Raleigh, and East Rutherford (Nets).

Passenger attitudes have inspired the Guatemalan house band to continuously play the apropos Red, Red Whine.


Not many people have their own catchphrase. The fact you got it from a book 40 years old means no one on the gawker networks parents are old enough to remember it.

Thanks for sharing Erg. That gives me some hope.

This could be his greatest subplot of all.

That was the most terrifying answer I could have hoped for. Hopefully he lays off the meat and mead.

Reading does take for-fucking-ever.

I think I see what you're saying, and if I'm right, I agree. It's my least favorite angle.

Fair enough. That concerns me then considering there are supposed to be three books after the fourth.

Please god no spoilers. I'll fucking excoriate you. I'm on book four and don't even want to know if they get shitty or not.

George RR Martin Looks Like He Will Die Soon DUAN:

+1 PSA. Good man, Barry!

Peel the skin back from your ears and listen to the silence.


Fangupo is quickly becoming a local heartthrob. Girls all over are Hawaii are gazing at his picture singing the Hawaiian hit:


I'm trying to figure this out, justify it. Was he just "looking" at porn? Was it after he ejaculated?

The hot tub story doesn't surprise me considering 30% of Donald Sterling's budget is earmarked for viciously hobbling upcoming free agents.