

hells yes

Awesome will need to find some time to do something this awesome.

looks like a jacked up Dr.Evil ........


Sure, if you are paying brother.....

all dlc's should be free

mega nerd

It got terrible reviews because of what it was. If you really need to take a console somewhere then I am sure there will be tv there you can use.

For me they full fill the fact that i have my truly important documents and private photos somewhere isolated from any network

sorry endorsing this kind off thing is just wrong.

"with comprehensive cloud storage and simple file sharing methods, memory cards seem wholly unnecessary." No it does not, not unless you have set up your personal, really personal cloud storage system.

"the price isn't outrageous for what you're getting. " Are you high? wtf is the point of this fucking thing.......You can get a light portagble usable laptop for this kind of money. If Playstation wants to make a portable okay. but who with any amount of commomn sense is going to buy a ps 4 then send it to some guy

I understand this sentiment and i am not critical of it...I had this train of thought..... I now seeing my children I could never live without them....I could not imagine waking up one morning and not seeing their smiles and the love they bear for someone as broken as myself. Someone who has transcended from a number

I could say some thing funny but I think i will just use one of the youtube comments. "It baffles me how the US can be so powerful and successful and at the same time have so many ignorant religious extremists on every walks of life... just amazing" or "Well, the majority of us have the opinion that Glenn Beck is a

I think David Ngo was at Pax East ask him for some shots these seem like they were taken on a nokia 5800. They do not shine a nice light on Pax.

really!!!! too lazy to do up laces? WTF?

Flappy Bird has come out of nowhere to be one of the biggest mobile gaming hits of our age.- The game is a bunch of balls. He is taking it down because he knows it too.