
They may be, but the shit is just hitting the fan for Russia. The world is about to do an MRI and see all the festering bugs beneath the skin of the ...ohh so well placed facade. of Russia.

No one is bad mouthing Russia. People are just pointing out that it's not 1820 anymore and sub par work, bribery , prostitution corruption and sexism or being a stuck up bigot is no longer a thing to be proud of. I know Russia had it hard poor Russia...pffft. Please. If people choose to run around through the golf

Sure, of course Germany was the highest contributor, biased much

Your comment is displeasing to all.

I have a 360 and honestly i cannot remember what bout of insanity made me depart from the the path of ps. I used to have a ps2 and one game when i was younger. let me tell you. I played that game till the pixels came off....

I think a lot of bad news happened everywhere else but you are probably just remembering the stupid crap that happened in Florida.

you spent 450 a month on anime...........................was this before there was streaming .............................and subscription

Pascal What are you doing??

okay the price i can agree with,the tech is okay.

wow.....moan moan moan.....never enough huh?

You read the recent article where a man said that the terrible accident of a 5 year old shooting his 2 year old sister was something that could not b e avoided!!!! Are all you pepople over there drinking stupid juice? It could have been very easily avoided, this is not , oh, like running with scissors in your hand.

Pizza has been a big part of my life , and I have gone so far as to make a few hundred but after seeing this I can feel my heart breaking. I think I vomited in my own mouth a little, when i saw the base. This can only be called an insult to Pizza. If there were a Pizza Regulatory Unit, they would haul Pizza Hut to a

I used to love pizza with a passion since i was lkkle, after seeing this i dont think i want to even look at another pizza.......(threw up in my mouth a little).

How old are you and why would you say something so stupid.

Can be a bit weird but okay I guess

The Scene is a bit imposing and strange.