
You bet people are mad at Lil Wayne. I'm at a military hospital with my husband while he recovers from amputations sustained in war (hate war, we're okay, just sorta sucks), and this Lil Wayne business has blown up my facebook. Some people view it as a hate crime (I do not, for the record). Someone else pointed out

What got me is how little these women understood civil rights or our Constitution. They literally said the most patriotic thing they could think of and went with that but half of them said really un-patriotic things. They are trained not to make polarizing statements, but this was just sad. "Yes, the government can

I have a friend who sounds just like her. It's kind of distracting because it's so mesmerizing.

Echoing the "Samantha Who" love. I thought she was a wonderful, likable, unhinged character. My favorite scene was her moaning, "I'm sooorrryyyyyyy" into her voicemail as the outgoing message. And when she sent the flowers to Melissa McCarthy's character to apologize for being crappy about her losing her mom.

Yeah... I am not down with how he phrased this. I am totally cool with the whole "that's not your shit, kid, it's mine" philosophy to material goods "owned" by children. But I do not like how he said it.

My pinkie toe was a small price to pay, m'lady. I am lucky to bear the wound of your beauty.

Thanks for this response. I couldn't even get passed my "WTF?!" to respond to the over-concerned troll. Srsly. WTF.

I was the serf laying the petals at your feet!!!

This does nothing to explain why she looks older, wears makeup, has a smaller waist and bigger bust, and lost her weapons. They could have designed her a new dress, given her a pretty crown, and accomplished making her look special for her special day. Instead, they made her over. The new one looks like Merida's older

Oh, I don't think it's okay at all. I usually ask them the same question right back. Or if they comment on how small I am, I usually respond with, "HOLY SHITBALLS. NO ONE HAS EVER ASKED ME THAT BEFORE." If it's an old person, I just don't respond at all. I once blurted out (in tears) "I'M A PERSON TOO!!!!" to some

I wouldn't say that, and I didn't mean to come across that way. It's just on Jez that there seems to be a strict environment of never equating overweight with being unhealthy, but it's okay to snark on petite and slim women- even if it's their natural shape (but god knows it never is). But I would never think that

Right. I think the headline is the mean-ist "Mean Girls" "compliment" I've seen published in a while.

No one would know that Zoe weighed so "little" if it wasn't on the cover of a magazine. I'm five feet tall and don't weigh what I look, thanks to a frame that convinces me that humans and birds mated at one point and there are leftover genes. But it's always cool to question a thin/small girl's weight and health, but

That Kstew Mom story is so weird. Can you imagine? "WTF is this old lady doing?!" Just bizarre.

I have weird Voight story. He showed up at the military hospital for the Super Bowl game 2012. He absolutely refused to cooperate with media interviews, instead taking the mic and interviewing some of the wounded service members. He was pretty accessible and gracious. Not that it makes up for all the issues with his

What. The. Fuck. Is. This. Shit?

"He agreed to having a baby, not a pregnant girlfriend."

Back in the day when I felt that "Lost In Translation" was the best movie EVER and anyone who didn't agree with me clearly didn't "get it," I did a lot of research on the Cam Diaz link. And what I came up with: It's most likely true. And a lot of her behavior since then has re-confirmed it. After her little slip-up

Haha, yes! I actually have a picture of her where most people can't tell if it's me or her. When my hair is darker it's uncanny and a tad disturbing for my husband and close friends. I've been told homicidal is state of mind, not an action so... art imitating life is what they say. But she's beautiful and if I'm going

Uhhh... I'd say I'm closer to $1500 the past year than I want to be for total skin and hair care (not counting haircuts, and I dye it myself). I have a Sephora problem, and now that I live next to an Ulta I am beginning to shop there for hair dye and certain skin products. I'm 30, look 20, and want it to stay that way