
You know, this is the ONE person I'd want to sick Matt Lauer's inappropriate interviewing skills on, that's for sure. (Referencing the Anne Hathaway operner with, "We've been seeing a lot of you lately," after her vagina was exposed). I would LOVE to see his work on Paula Deen.

My father died of a heart attack at 39 and whenever I hear of someone else going through that, I just hurt from the inside out. 51 is as way-too-young as 39. It's bullshit, and I hope his family is coping as well as can be expected. Sigh.

Oh, and also- she grew up super-religious and saved her virginity for her husband. She has no fucking clue was a "normal" childhood is like, like making a mistake and drinking too much. No fucking idea. She probably always thought that rape only happens to girls who do questionable things. Someone like her would never

Spot fucking on.

Look. I am from the deep South. I have pretty racist family members. And some of them are even old and "stuck in their ways." But for the love of Christ, none of them would say, "Yes, of course" in response to being asked if they used that horrible word. Not one of them.
What the actual fuck is Paula Deen smoking? Is

Oh, you are spot-on there. This person is as Republican as it gets, thinking that no one is ever born into a disadvantaged situation, and that to be a rapper is to be unpatriotic. They view flag stomping as a hate crime, which is just a stretch for me. My second thought on the matter was, "You know, whatever works for

It's a common question! Everything is pretty normal, except that there are a few things we can't do (doggy on knees, for one but from behind is fine). However, we get enough momentum and we can roll over, change who's on top, etc. And some positions are easier (spooning, reverse cowgirl) because there's one less pair

I thank you for this, and for your family's service. I by no means meant that POC aren't patriotic. I apologize for that. I really don't want the people who say that to be right, so I am very happy to have evidence to the contrary.

Ugh. I can't. I just can't with that line of BS they're feeding you and your husband. We haven't had any VA problems yet, and can always use a military facility, but we've had other issues. His fertility, which was destroyed by his injuries, doesn't warrant real care. AD can get IVF for free, but if you get out,

Military members, particularly Marines, have the most twisted and sickest senses of humor on the planet. It is very likely that he got drunk one night and got this tat, along with four of his platoon buddies. Or someone else got drunk and paid him $100 to do it. Or a case of beer. I have seen much worse, and more

NO, NO IT IS NOT. My husband is a double amputee. I'm around these guys all the time. IT IS THE HOTTEST.

You have a very valid point on his mental state. And I would never wish a near-fatal (eventual-fatal?) disorder on someone, so it's kind of sad, actually. I remember he kept having seizures and everyone was all like, DUDE GET SOBER.
It makes me sad that a nearly a whole genre of music is discounted from military

Ugh, that is terrible! Why aren't people outraged about that kind of crime OVER A WEEKEND? Sigh. Thanks for the best wishes, too!

Oh, it's a music video, with kids around (kind of bothers me but oh well), and the flag laid out like a runway. It was intentional. So he definitely went out of his way to show that he has no qualms about showing his disdain for the symbols of his citizenship (which is fine, his choice but jeez, what an ass).

Hey there! Love the liberal military spouse love! I actually feel for people are are "less injured" than an obvious 100% like two missing legs, because the VA will fuck those guys and ladies any way they can. How is a single leg above-knee amputation NOT 100%? Permanent nerve pain in half the body? Seriously. I am

I have had the exact same thought, actually. It isn't a race issue, either (in case someone goes there). People who have dealt with government programs "know better." My mom and brother have gone through the ringer with services and healthcare for his paralysis and resulting problems. My stepdad is forced to pay for

Red Cross and USO up at Walter Reed and Belvoir. I feel like these guys should have all the single lady hotness. Most of them are good men, too. So even when I'm not hanging with the husband, I for real don't mind the wounded warrior company. Glass eyes with custom designs (Purple Heart is my favorite), robotic

Lady LaComtesse! Thank you! Kinja and stuff... so I kept my username. We'll be okay, it's just a lot reality a lot of the time! I do have a great support system. Earlier in May I posted about meeting Prince Harry and a pic here, which garnered the most fantastic responses ever. I love the commenters on this site

One of the few perks of being in a military hospital environment (my husband is a combat amputee) is seeing hotness like this every single day. These guys swagger, they're confident, and they tend to own their injuries. I dunno, maybe it's because I'm way into my sexy robo-legged husband, but these guys do it for me.

Oh, that is so gross. WHY WHY WHY DOES MEDIA DO THIS? Can a woman not GROW ANOTHER HUMAN in peace?