
Perhaps they'll have something near where the classrooms were... kind of like how the old Twin Towers imprint is marked off. We can't possibly understand where they are and what it took to come to this decision. It's all horrific.

He seemed to give many fucks. And rock on, fellow mil-spouse.

Okay... everyone is so awesome. As awesome as meeting Prince Harry. A few asked about my hubby, and I am happy to report that while things have gone slowly, he is mastering the art of walking on robot legs. He was blown up in Sept. 2011 doing his EOD job in Afghanistan, 18 months after we got married. It's been a

I can handle the added make-up to her eyes if they'd just give the poor girl her weapons back. That's some shit.

*blush* Thanks bunches. I keep my hair short because I have serious obsession with make-up and no way can I do both everyday. I forget sometimes that I love "looking nice" and dressing up. I'm way older than I look but learned to embrace it. Anyway, thanks again. This posting is turning into a wonderful experience for

Chris Meloni asked me if I wanted to take a picture and if I had a camera, to which I responded with, "No, but I have a GADGET PHONE." It was like seeing a unicorn. He's pretty sexy, too. This was also the day Montel Williams was passing out green tea smoothies. Very strange things happen in this land of the wounded.

I was literally barely containing myself. I have a lot of pictures (a nice lady took dozens) but I was so jittery that the one of me shaking his hand is blurry. My husband laughed at me the whole time. I was walking around beforehand (for hours), coming out of my skin. I have some crazy celebrity stories (drinking

Thank you very much. It means a lot to have well wishes coming from different places, especially here and from other nationalities.

You guys... I met Prince Harry yesterday. My husband is a wounded warrior at the military hospital in Bethesda and it actually happened. Prince Harry is so tall, and polite, and kind, and awesome. He took 3-5 minutes with each soldier and couple. He posed for pictures. He asked personal questions. I very nearly

I was abandoned once, by someone I loved more than the whole world. He left for war and couldn't bother with a "that was nice, but not for me" email. Nothing. The ensuing anxiety and depression for the next two years was awful. My life got away from me, I was really broke, and living with awful people who couldn't pay

This is the most fabulously ridiculous story I have ever heard, and I really, really hope you are really hanging out with someone who has had Marlon Brando. OMG.

Let me tell you about CoopADoop. I've been up here at Walter Reed in Bethesda for awhile now with my wounded warrior husband (war sucks, who needs legs anyhow?), and celebrities do come and visit the recovering soldiers. CoopADoop topped them all. He came up for a screening of "Silver Lings Playbook" before it was

I feel the same way but I am hoping they are taking a "grow up and together" approach, which I have seen work a few times. (Cue the young marriage apologists who tell us how their parents got married at 16 and 19 in 1956 and are still together so getting married young is NEVER the reason for divorce, blah blah).

I talked like that when I was younger and just starting to really figure out who I was and wanted to be. I don't like her music, but I don't mind her existence in the celebrity world. She's pretty much going to be herself, whoever that is, all the time. I dig it. (I also have the short hair love for her. I've cut mine

Having been in a relationship with a military man, that one has been difficult to keep out of my vocabulary. And if I use "female" I always try to counter it with a "male" so that both sexes are describes equally. I sometimes use "lady soldiers" but only as an endearing term. I don't love it, though. I've stuck to

When people FLIP about ANY drinking while preggp, I ask them if they drove that day. And remind them that driving is much more dangerous for the baby and mom than a few ounces of sweet bliss. I am lucky to only know reasonable preggo ladies, so if they drink, it's cool, and if they don't, they aren't preachy.

Okay... final geekgasm... do you follow Professor Snape and Lord Voldemort on Twitter? FUCKING GOLD.

At least at this point we get stress-free sex. No ovulating stuff to care about. SO WE HAVE THAT!!!!! Thanks for the support. Adoption is actually a Grimm's nightmare. Ugh. Back to that stress-free non-baby making! :D We'll be okay. It's only not okay sometimes.

I also said that I don't have kids. This person we're commenting clearly can't even reason within herself: don't have kids unless you breastfeed, but adopt if you're older? I don't have any fucking opinions on why people diaper/feed/bathe/sleep that I consider worthy. I can go all day along about what I would or

And again you display that you're really pretty awesome. The problem is me, not you. I didn't want kids until I got married and I'd give anything to have one who looks like my husband. But, I am very comfortable with either adoption or not being a mother. We are looking at adoption through foster, so honestly if we