
No, I want to hang out with you. I hated all the PG shit in those films. Around Book 5 I figured that we wouldn't see the story in full justice because that shit would have been R for VIOLENCE. Books 6 & 7 for sure. Harry was one pissed off dude, and shit got real. I also thought that Ginny had sex with that shitty

Women who give things up to have kids (which is fine and awesome) often don't like the idea some other women look at it differently. Have kids or don't. Work or don't (most times it's not a choice). They just accepted conventional wisdom either because it is best and they have the time and privilege for it, or they

Some of us will never carry our own children so I guess we'll never really get the birth-your-own-kid thing. I know you didn't mean it and I am down with everything you said... you actually sound like a pretty cool person. But it's just another reminder that there's club I can't pay enough money to be a part of, and

I'm just going to say that you are very, very wrong and when you have children only then will you understand. I have never heard of anyone who didn't breastfeed because she didn't have the time. And why are you advocating for adoption when you already stated your belief that you if you don't want to breast feed then

She is responsible for her daughter's death, which is not necessarily the same thing as murder. And her parents helped cover it up, I think, to a certain point then it got out of control. I also remember reading that Casey didn't want to have the kid in the first place but her mother "forced" her to and not have an

I really loved how she COMMITTED to Bellatrix Lestrange. Ruthless, mean bitch. I was super pissed she didn't get to die with dignity, i.e. the proper delivery of Mrs. Weasley screaming, "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" The movie version of that scene did not deliver.

That is awesome! I am not even sure if I want to hook up with anyone else, but it's at least a conversation with the hubs. I think a lot of it is that I just desire more time with a woman. I don't ever "feel" bi or gay, whatever that means. There are a few women who do just do it for me, and when people speak

I never had a coming out, I just never explained myself but didn't hide my dating habits. I am not even sure I want to hook up with anyone, but a lot of it is that I want more time with a woman. I know definitely why my situation isn't ideal for anyone, but it was a struggle before I got married. So ridiculous. Good

My best friend and her boyfriend take turns buying it. He loves it. And we do that... and more. Not all of us, of course. I have a make-up addiction but I dye my own hair. It's ridiculous but if you've got great hair, rock it. I grew up around guys with long hair. It didn't even hit my radar, unless his hair is either

I'm not always nice and would let myself get kind of drunk one night and call her out. In front of people. But again, that's me. Good on you for having your own business! I think that's great! I bet you're awesome to work for.

Actually, you can work this angle. Guys with great conditioned hair are very attractive to a lot of women, the same way some men love a gal with shiny, long locks (I say as someone with damn near Miley Cyrus short hair). Moroccan Oil is *amazing.* Just look like you try a little. Weight doesn't really matter to more

Smaller sections, use hairspray, and hold longer. Also, a quality tool helps. I use some products in the shower, as well, that stiffen my hair up (a John Frida shine treatment comes to mind). Good luck!

She's actually spot-on on the sorts of people who don't tip or tip fairly, no matter what you do for them. When you serve for more than six months, you learn things about people you never wanted to know.

As someone else said, don't eat out with this girl. Unless it is order-at-counter only or fast food. She really, really does not sound nice but might have some other value. I could not stand someone who didn't tip well. I think my FIL tips low and I always bump it up, or just get the check. I know what it's like to

Our country's government does not provide for its citizens the same way yours does for you. I don't think you understand that people here have to work for their healthcare, even. You are really showing your privilege. ANd you really are taking advantage of the situation and someone who probably works their ass off to

One of my very bestest guy friends was like that. I adored him (he passed away too soon a while ago). But don't be his girlfriend, unless he is honest with you. The love of my friend's life was a girl who understood things couldn't be exclusive until they lived together in the same city, and she accepted that. That

I'd tell her it must be nice to have the job security she does since she feels she will never, ever have to rely on strangers understanding social norms to eat and pay rent. Because clearly, that must be case. No one is that big of an asshole, right? \sarcasm

You should not eat in restaurants while in the US if you don't want to tip. Tipping culture sucks here but you are allowing someone to work hard for nothing. This is the culture here. If you don't like it, please don't join in.

Why come here and project your cultural standard? You could try to contribute as person while you're in the US. When in Rome, right? I've lived in Europe before and conformed (not just on tipping, but on most things, even when it was incredible uncomfortable for me). You're a jerk for not tipping an appropriate

As a career server, I shoot to earn 20% of a check. 15% means that I did only what I needed to do- filled your drink and brought you food, then checked on you a few times. Servers have to pay out to bus and bar so they leave with sometimes 5% less of SALES not tips each night. A bad tipping night on high sales (like a