
I identify as bi (and nearly all of my behavior my whole life shows that I've always been this way) but don't have much experience with women for the simple reason is that my sexuality is not taken seriously. I understand a lesbian not wanting to date a woman who could date a man just as easily, but once they learn

Can a person just not like a celebrity without the personal attack and snark? I never said it was her fault. Maybe I just didn't like her face. I had no idea who she was before the scandal and it's the only exposure I've seen of her, but I know now she is a very successful model. I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything

Stevie Ray Vaughn improved "Little Wing" the same way Jimi did "All Along the Watchtower." Sometimes covers take a song to the next level. Music might be universal in a sense... the song you wrote might eventually belong to someone else because they take to where you couldn't. At least, that's how I feel about SRV and

Perhaps it was because the paparazzi was all over her only after the scandal and not before, but she seemed to flit about afterwards. I'm very unfairly annoyed with her. She is quite beautiful, but her smirk bothered me. Sort of, "I'm so hot, look at me, I'm the scorned, betrayed woman." But she had said some things

I just got into fashion and have been schooling myself through "Vanity Fair" and "Vogue", so that is probably why I have not heard of her. I stand corrected on her own success. I also think fashion is an art, so just because I find her annoying does not mean I do not value fashion in society, but you have to

I spent a couple years in college attempting to have sex to the album every chance I could get. Sigh.

Is anyone else annoyed with Liberty Ross? Or was, rather? The only reason anyone at all knows her name is because her husband dry-humped KStew. He's scummy scum scum and Kstew made an epically bad call, but it doesn't take away from her annoying factor.

And I'd to thank you for that, and the best user name in history. STILL LAUGHING.

I lose focus. Couldn't this have been shorter and made all the same points? I feel this way a lot on this site, so I'm sure it's me.

Not forced, but if they want to perform on the current standard, they might consider it. The standard shouldn't change, and we're only talking about giving women the chance to serve. I doubt women will be classed into infantry because they scored low on the ASVAB. They will have to meet very strict requirements. But I

Aw, shucks. Thanks. That's why I do it- it's the only way we can can all learn to understand humanity just a little bit more.


Cause there are fewer. I also get that women do suffer serious hip problems more than men, and that will get you sent home. I think a lot of it is not having the "right" body type to start with, attempting to gain it but doing it too quickly. I read something that "they" JUST got female specific battle rattle

You are exactly right. In Utopia, though...

We have, I believe! And thank for the thanks. I do what I can, but it definitely takes something deep inside to advocate for someone's medical needs when they aren't able to. I have a blog (not promoting) but we keep bumping into each other here: afterblastwarriorwife.com

If you are interested, i blog like everyone else who has too much time. afterblastwarriorwife.com

I love seeing her on her legs. LOVE IT.

I think your first response is appropriate! Anything is okay, really. People being nice... especially in more liberal-volatile territory... is always welcome. You would be hard pressed to find ANY spouse of a wounded troop who didn't want them all home immediately. "Bless you," "good luck," et. al. are all

Yep. I also find Israeli men and women patriotic in a very... absolute way. They are fine with going back and fighting for their country if they are called. I have yet to meet one that went through service and said, "no way." I have a VERY liberal bi friend who was part of the Austrian army at a young age and while he

I just saw Marc Anthony perform at the Commander-in-Chief's Ball. He shut that place down. It was already a party, and his music and vibes just lit us all up. I would pay money to see him again.