
I think we've been remiss for years not to do as Israel does: EVERYONE, with some exception, should serve. Not just draft, but train and serve. But we'd have to not have a huge standing army for that to happen, which it won't. We always need to be able to go to war with a whole other country at any given moment.

I'm sensitive, but not as sensitive as he is a jerk. Thanks for the condolences.

Mucho thanks for the gratitude. And thanks to you for that tweet. HA.

Her mom would be "the ex." Clearly, Kim is konfused.

1982 here. I remember wanting their sleeping bag when I was in first grade. Maybe second?

FUCK Tucker Carlson. Women HAVE had their limbs blown off: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=15038708

Meh. Little girls play dress up in their moms' clothing (little boys too!). I think the pic could be a commentary on how she's up for an award usually reserved for much older people.

I was a toy soldier one year and a party boy the next. I was supposed to be a party boy and party girl, but I had so much more fun running around on stage so I switched with a girl who was a better ballerina. I slicked my boy wig hair into an Alfafa cowlick. Oh, that was fun!

One comment on one thing you said: Women are more comfortable SEEKING mental health assistance. I have lived at a military hospital for the past 1 1/2 years and I can tell you right now, men are WRONG not to get help after a deployment, especially one wrought with the worst war has to offer. Men don't get help because

You... are my hero for the day. Thank you. My current comment is to tell anyone that can't serve with a woman or an openly gay service member that maybe THEY are the problem and should be allowed to end their service contract immediately.

I absolutely see your point. Besides women skating on standard, I think men do it just as much, but are floated through because they are in male only fields. No one can point out that they suck because they're men, but just that they suck. When women suck, it's because they are women, or slept with instructors to

You're right, I did not go through Infantry Basic. However, I happen to know very well several people who did and lived in Columbus with one of them during it. This was several years post-9/11. There was definitely a large group of men who would not have qualified had there not been a war to fight and numbers to meet

Oh, geez. It's just a huge test of endurance and not being a total idiot. I'm not calling anyone an idiot or incompetent or all IN stupid. But I don't think that women would suck at it because they are women. Some would do well and others would not, just like the men who go every day (and some of those men really

I am the wife of a wounded Army soldier and my facebook is really grossing me out. I found this: http://www.npr.org/2011/02/21/133818218/women-in-war-ive-lived-out-there-with-the-guys which I posted but I don't think it's going to do any good. For some, women will never be good enough. I find all the hate

Now playing

Dude. This happens every year in productions of "The Nutcracker." Usually Mother Ginger is a man.

He was so nice I couldn't. he actually talked a lot about "Longmire" and his character's back story. Then my husband taught him how to tie a tie, and Lou gave it to him. This was after Lou's meatball recipe was served before dinner, and he talked about his time as a cook/chef. He is one interesting dude, and can drink

Well, I hope you get that figured out soon. Have they checked your pituitary gland? And while your testosterone might be within a normal range, but it's not for your body? I don't know shit, really, just what I've been through and listening to friends. I think you're right to be wary of the BCP at this point. Godspeed

Some doctors won't seriously look at it until a patient is healthier. If the weight is a thyroid issue (read aisuru113) then I suppose it's legitimate but so many people link to being over weight that it seems that they think it couldn't possibly not be weight related. Get a new doc and have your thyroid tested if you

Ugh, I don't like liking Nicki Minaj. But in Randy's sort-of defense, they've run into people who say they are country but then don't deliver that in the competition. I think they may just want to know how to "bill" that contestant. And stir shit up.