
I really wish I could watch AHS for all the reasons you listed. My husband and I got 10 minutes into Ep.1 of the 2nd season. He's a double leg amputee, and neither one of us can handle watching someone lose a limb. It really fucks with your head. But I am glad this show exists, and is pushing these boundaries. Real

RIGHT?! I withdrew to homeschool in 8th grade. Due to some poor parenting choices I ended up with a GED (in college now, thanks!). I wouldn't suggest what I did to *anyone* but middle school was that awful. And I'm not shy. I was willing to be "out there." But being out there meant getting the criticism for it. Fuck

They already serve in combat and are put in the line of capture. And also, it's not as if thousands of women will be infantry ready any time soon, either. Few will make it through just because of attrition.

I went to the Commander in Chief ball last night and tried very hard to live tweet the whole thing. Stupid Twitter ate *everything* so I just posted pictures to facebook. Sigh. Twitter better have it's shit together when the hubs and I drink with Lou Diamond Phillips again.

Is that Helena Bonham Carter?! Did she lose weight?!

Came here to say this but the Lortab is preventing me from forming coherent sentences. I think she is more admitting that one kid didn't have her feeling to mom-ish but two has really hit home to her that her life ain't hers anymore. Ugh. People.

My mind had a moment of pure shock when I saw Charlie on Oz today. I mean... of all the people... and why. But then I like Dr. Oz, he is kind of weird, so I guess it makes sense. And Charlie is incredibly articulate about his issues. Still. Weird. And also, Jennifer Lawrence is so normal it's pretty endearing. She

Oops, thought I responded appropriately. Soraya.

That is dangerously close to Piddlestain, and if you've ever had a puppy you know that ain't good.

I feel the same way about good Catholic boys (and girls). Especially if they are starting to fall off the wagon with the guilt thing. Sigh.

Look, no one has more self-loathing than I do for my Megan Fox crush. She *killed it* in "This Is 40." As Joan Jett would say, "I hate myself for loving you." Megan is constantly kind of an asshole and seems really into herself, but just as much into her husband and baby, too. I just get confused and keep looking. I

Soraya! I SWEAR by it. The touch is amazing. It reminds me of the skin of someone who uses baby oil in the shower. But very durable. http://www.lelo.com/index.php?collectionName=insignia-luxe&groupName=SORAYA&categoryId=172

It's the only one I have tried. I found it very versatile and basic, but in a fabulous way.


I do. Well, tricare, which is military insurance. But I can see a civilian doctor. Thanks. It means a lot.

That is what is killing me. I am *so tired.* It is like I never wake up. I don't consume a ton of caffeine, either. And it's been pretty recent, too. I just want a clear brain and energy to do ANYTHING.

The "soft touch" real-free is incredible. It feels like... soft, durable skin. And it's very smooth, and easily controlled. Also, completely submersible. I feel like it being so smooth also makes it easier to clean and therefore, no hygiene worries. It's soft, curvy, and light. I was sold within a minute of touching

She's just jelly you have a career and good education and probably are happier in your marriage than she is with her kids and shit.

I just wanted to send a big netz hug to you for your loss and long journey of trying to conceive. And yes, Kim K needs to S.TF.U.

I just said something about this. Screw her, and her insensitivity towards her SISTER. She just can't let her sisters have one thing, even legitimate infertility. She just has to find some sad cross to bear, cause you know, separating after 72 days didn't get her the sympathy points she was going for, now did it?