
I laughed, out loud, alone.

The way he came in from behind and there was no way she knew. I know, I know... champagne on the table, expecting him just not knowing when. I'm a little sensitive to James Bond and I was hoping Daniel Craig wouldn't be as... unsuspectingly assertive/aggressive about the sex. I don't think I'm right, it just irked me.

Now I have Courtney Stodden voice in my head. Ugh.

Anyone get giddy with Lily Allen giving birth again? She had two awful miscarriages that we know of and I just want her to have all the healthy, happy babies in the world.

And how in the fuck do you say her name?

SIR Timberbiel or LADY Timberbiel?

I heard once that she also has (had?) very bad acne scares that you can see unless up close, so the kind of thing that makes a person really self-conscious. I think it's great she puts herself in the position of being photographed without make-up, if only for her own confidence.

Please, please, please stop with Bielberlake. It looks like something to do with Justin Bieber. Every time. Someone suggested Timberbiel once. You know. Just consider it. Thx.

I'm 30 and in undergrad (at CC!). I don't feel old at all. In fact, I'm in awe at some of these "kids" really know themselves, particularly some of the young feminists. It wasn't this way ten years ago the first time I tried. And the "kids" don't treat me differently, either. We engage each other on the same level.

Right? We were talking about transgendered people dating and she just... ugh. She was pretty adamant that if her daughter (who is married, from what she tells us, and successful) wanted to not have kids and get sterilized, it was "her business" and you know, women could change their minds. That is everyone else's

I had never heard of that book before and just looked it up. Thank you. I think I need to read it.

I definitely agree with you. And she's actually put out some good info for us. But we get the "you young people" (I'm 30) and "you childless people" bit A LOT. I feel like we aren't valuable in her eyes because we aren't 45 or mothers.

Ugh. I'm in a women's studies class right now and one of the students is a single mom in her 40s with grown children. She started having kids at 15. I really appreciate her experience, but she will not listen to anything that doesn't show that her experience is "right." She's actually homophobic and doesn't believe

RDJ has been so hot to me since he got sober. I mean, he kinda was before, in a "I would but don't call" kind of way. But I LOVE his personality, all the things he says about his wife, becoming a dad... LOVE. HIM.


I was pissed that such a piece of WORK got a cool title like it. It should have been reserved for, I don't know- real, relevant work about anti-depressants and American society as a whole. Not this woman.

Oh, earlier this year. Then they got back together. Then she Tweeted something about being cheated on with 27 other women, AND THEN had a meltdown (and by that I mean she was totally unreasonable to the host or something) on TV show and basically acted like a child. Which she does a lot. I thought her and Deadmau5 had

I am sure there are tons of feminist writers who would love to be paid even just a little to write for this site. Anna clearly does not appreciate what Jez provides for her, as evident of this "article." Even for a blog post is one of the worst things I have read on this site. I hope she was just having a bad day and

Uh, read some other articles about it. It was unsafe for her to fly, and somehow we're blaming non-medical personnel like airline staff for her death. She literally would not fit and could not walk. How was she to use the bathroom? Move to the back of the plane in case she fell ill? What if she fell on someone? She

Oxford, Alabama- Christmas Day 2010. It snowed 3 inches of fluffy powder. It is usually rainy and around 40-45 degrees on Christmas. If there is snow, it's not much and around February. It was kinda awesome, except that I'd been living in Upstate NY and had already had enough snow.