
Look, my father died at 39 of a heart attack. He was overweight. My grandmother had complications with diabetes due to unhealthy habits. I can not for the life of me get on board with "fat acceptance." It is the same as saying that we shouldn't feel strongly about people who smoke cigarettes. Size acceptance, yes.

I try really hard not to like Mariah Carey, but damn it- I love their love. Whatever. I don't care what expensive creme she puts on her babies' bums because she clearly is very, very rich but she gets love. At least I think so. I love it when spouses really dig each other and show it off.

I think she's adorable, and which "Havoc" was bad I think it's because it was about teenagers being stupid, which is bad always. I just don't get why we aren't supposed to like her. And also- what is this "she has no talent" business? Girl can SING. And she's cheeky and her smile is like 1000 hugs. She seems so

I LIKE HIM TOO. I actually *loved* "Ted". One of my friend's mom (the classic elementary school marm type) laughed her butt off. We all did. Sigh. I feel better. Thank you.

Thanks! I have read a few interviews and he was very solid about it. He didn't panic, because "people have close calls everyday." Very reasonable person.

I have done it three times. Kiera Knightley's Domino Harvey and Mariskha Hargitay were my inspirations. The I got a pixie that is just what Anne has now, and currently I have hair a bit shortly than that. I LOVE it. I feel so much more feminine. I love make-up, so now I have more time for that. I feel like I am owning

Holy shit. That is a heavy thing! I don't mind Seth, and I think he's said some pretty alright things about the experience. I liked "Ted" so I haven't lost all love for Seth.

That whole plane analogy actually happened to Seth McFarlane and a 9/11 flight. It's a fascinating story.

It's like he got all dressed up and showed up for the shoot, only to wonder, "WTF am I doing with this naked model in my arms? Who's idea is this? Jeez."

I don't know what Junkyard is talking about, but in the military the UCMJ applies and yes, that *is* possible. Regret can turn consent into rape, but *usually* those incidents don't go all the way to military court or court-martial. There is still an investigation and there can be punishment by command for a suspect

Only really crazy people bring marriage up for the first time as a proposal. I don't know anyone who only had 15 seconds to decide. They had already decided together.

Jez snarks on Lena Dunham a good bit. It is no secret that Lena is successful in large part due to her privilege- money has never been an issue. Even a recent Dirt Bag it was made a note of that Lena said she "wouldn't write for money." I know all this only because of Jezebel. I have never watched the show, and what



Sigh. I should have known. I didn't see "Swingers" for years and when I did I realized he'd been playing the same guy in every movie. Only a jerk would do that. Another known jerk? Tommy Lee Jones. I hear he is awful to fans.

I concede a bit. She has displayed some decent comedic timing. She could do bit parts for eternity and be okay. She just seems to like being herself too much.

It's not like she's going to admit that she named him after Noah Calhoun from "The Notebook." Or likes Jewish names. No, she has to have something "important" to say.

Maybe I've been under a Vince Vaughn rock, but all I have to say is: WHY, VINCE, WHY? I am glad I have Jason Sudekis to crush on now.

Just yesterday someone at a freaking memorial service told me to eat some brownies because "I could stand to gain a few pounds." He even was awesome enough to not care when I told him that it was an incredibly rude thing to say and he should apologize. I am 30, I am tiny, and I am sick of the assholes who can only

That wounded vet is a friend of mine, as I am here at WR with my husband. He said he had a wonderful, fantastic visit with her and felt great that she came out here to visit. And since it's important here- he doesn't vote Republican. I am from Alabama and we have received so much support from there that it's hard to