
I giggled. I apologize, Grover!!!!!!

That... is a great marriage. Or they've secretly been medicated the whole time. My money's on just having great people for parents. I mean, what do you do? "HEY, LET'S PRETEND ALL THE KIDS ARE A PARTY. WHOOO!!!!!!"

I want to be your grandma. "let him major in history." HAHAHAHA. I am trying to get real comfy with the idea of kids near 40 (at or over for the man) and this really helps.

I have a friend who didn't get word on the twins until they were five months along. Then she got to experience a vaginal and C-section because one of them decided to hang out for awhile and the doctors let it drag out a bit. She absolutely did not have kids after that. I think she got sterilized.

I take your jazz hands and bow! She was fine- it's issues for war injuries, and we weren't aware back then how unknown this all is. Everything is usually pretty gravy, even baby pictures on facebook. It's pregnancy complaining I can't handle... but it's normal, and I don't get too upset. I won't dog cuss a pregnant

Aw, shucks. Thanks for the free smile today!

I know. But she did say she was wholly responsible for her weight gain because she was "enjoying" her pregnancy, so we'll see how this one goes. And she can still eat well and "diet" while pregnant.

Oh dear god. I always feel bad for the women in those situations. I always wonder if the husband was pushing sex. I know that's horrible... hell, women can be just as reckless (duh) but WHO would risk that so soon after a kid?! I have cousins 11 months apart and my mom helped out the mom for awhile (this was 25 years

It took her awhile to be really happy, but she's not too worried. Great family. The feeding Number 1 really bothered her and I did feel terrible for her. And it was literally the one time she and her husband had unprotected sex the week she screwed up her breast-feeding pill. I sound like a bit of a jerk in my

I had a friend get pregnant with her second on the same "oops" timeline. I tried not to judge, but it was hard to feel bad for her when she was sad she couldn't enjoy more baby time with her first. Um okay? Then her baby wouldn't eat because her milk dried up quickly (she was still breast feeding) and that was a huge

But those little things could be arms! And legs! And the tail disappears! And that's its huge head but it grows into it! CAN'T YOU SEE IT?!?!?!



OMG, how am I just seeing this? She was GORGEOUS. (And still is, of course. I love that bitch.)

My mom will cook slightly fertilized eggs (as in, just a day or two). I think she's fed them to me. The bloody eggs are the worst, which is how I learned to individually crack fresh eggs over a ramekin (I haven't learned how to crack an egg and keep it all inside one half of the shell).

He once did not wear his legs on a flight and had to pee after a long delay on the plane. I felt so bad as the flight attendants nearly cried as they struggled to piece together the old and dirty in-flight chair. No one had asked to use it in years. I'm not one to blame people when I am sure no one thought about it-

I saw her on a morning show before the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. She loathes working with other successful chefs. It's hilarious. I think she comes off as if she is a huge entitled bitch but then again she is Martha Fucking Stewart. She can be. (Fun fact: She lost the prison Christmas decorating contest while

I think we're reading too much into her "I didn't have those desires." We don't know where her sexual activity line is, and so it's hard to speculate. Does she get naked and mes around or do the clothes always stay on? I think she means that she just doesn't consider penis-in-vagina to be an option, so she doesn't

At one point there were THREE seats for her and something still didn't work. She wasn't fit to fly and the airlines couldn't do much more about it. Very tragic and sad, but you and momthecoach are right.

Airlines have "aisle wheelchairs" that fit in the small aisles between rows. My husband, who is a double amputee (war sucks), has opted to scoot on his bum and hoist himself up into the seat over taking an aisle chair. They are a bit dinky.