
That would mean actually trying to act like Jesus and not a modern day rich Christian. So... doubtful.

She's a real cute kid and there are kid clothes out there that need to be modeled. I think Larry Birkhead is going to do a very good job of handling this. He was great throughout the legal proceedings with the lawyer dude.

He's a terrible, awful person- I am with you on that. But he has not hit another woman since. That really isn't much of a line because a lot of shitty people don't hit women, but I am not sure I support anyone at any time ribbing him, antagonizing him, about this. "Oh, hey it's Tuesday. I'm going to go poke Chris


Booze. Same thing happened to Miss Spears in 2007. Her face looked ridiculous.

I had a bounce castle at my wedding. There were a billion kids and we knew this was the best way to corral them. It worked like a charm. The bounce castle also made for some incredible wedding photographs.

I 100% agree with you. I was really stunned at all the Rhi-blaming. I am from the South and the idea that there is some sub-culture in America where the woman asked for a beating is just beyond me. I really wish Rhi and Brown BOTH used this as a chance to become role models, but as it is I wouldn't let my not-real

This I agree with. I do think it's possible to encourage reformation for Brown AND teach Rhianna (and all women) not to go back to their abusers (and he will always be that for her, even if they get married and live happily for 50 years. That can't and won't and shouldn't be changed). The victim shaming was terrible

No, it's not. But it is young enough to reform. If he recommits then this previous incident should absolutely have bearing on his sentencing. He is not a nice human. But I do not believe anyone's crimes should define them if they don't allow it to. His other misogynistic shit defines him, but this crime has been paid

And I am with you BOTH on that. Encouraging a not funny comedian to say whatever she wants to him whenever she wants to do it is not how we go about this. People stop enabling him and telling him he's great and buying his shit is how this happens. He deserves that. I've never said I think he has a right to his success.

Someone left me this link: http://www.awesomelyluvvie.com/2012/11/chris-brown-jenny-johnson-twitter-beef.html

Thank you. I have seen the site before but hadn't been back recently. This is why I stick around here... the commenters and (usually) the articles really have helped me form as a feminist.

I see what you did there....

Thank you. You are more articulate than I am about this. Someone else pointed out that there isn't any middle ground with Brown: His life is full of enablers or people who define him by what he did at 19.

This is one of the most sensible things said on this thread. Thank you. You are exactly right that there isn't any middle ground for Chris Brown.

Do we know what he and Rhianna have talked about? He didn't screw up once during his probation. Frankly, as long as he doesn't beat another woman he has told "us" he has learned from his mistake. He is still a misogynist asshole dick fuckhead, and that alone is enough for some hate. His responses are on par with who

Look, he is a misogynist asshole. I think he's being a child about all of this. "People won't let it go when Rhi did and I met all the requirements, so fuck everyone and I'll just be a dick about it." His mother raised him to be this dick. Would we say these same things to friends who chose to work through a DV

Because that's the attitude. In this article, he is referred to "a thing" and Jenny Johnson isn't called out for calling him a "worthless piece of shit." He isn't a martyr. He sucks. I made that pretty clear. Without having beat up Rhianna he sucks. But honestly, what kind of existence are we wanting for him? We can

THANK YOU for posting this. People need to take responsibility for what they say, Jenny Johnson included.

I agree with you on Chris Brown's very real misogyny. He REALLY sucks. But Jenny Johnson sucks, too. What gives her the right? I am tired of this approach. Maybe he should have just killed himself because of his mistake at 19. We either need to admit that's how we feel or we need to let this go.