Warren Plummer

And how is that a solution? Its not that I'm not allowed to be on this site because I am. I work in the IT department so we have no restrictions on content. But when it comes to a video that is over an hour long... Thats pretty ridiculous. So how about, y'know, shut up unless you have something helpful to provide

You are awesome Jason! Thank you so much!

The video is great and all but you should have also made a list of whats in the video for those of us at work where we just don't have the time to watch the full video and it would be easier to just search through stuff and skim it so I can skip the ones I truly don't care about or already know about.

Yeah but it said gorgeous screenshots so you should have known it wouldn't be DayZ hahahaha. That game is terrible.

Okay so I'm going to go on another rant here... Who cares that they feel their scene in treated unfairly its not a real sport. It requires no physical strength or real challenge. I say this with as much love as I can because I am a HUGE gamer... It's not a true sport. Its a video game competition and if they don't

I have a feeling the game will be the same other than the dildo melee weapon and the anal probe. Basically it will stay the same other than the sexual violence which is what made it not allowed in Australia in the first place. People are over reacting about a low violence version when they don't even know what it

You aren't serious are you?

I'm very sorry to hear about your father. I share the same relationship with both my father and mother and I don't know what I would do if I was in your situation. I'm not normally the religious preaching type of person though I am a christian. I will keep your father and your family in my prayers and I really hope a

Version 1.151. More than likely the version name they were working on when this photo was taken.

You have to see it from an IT perspective. Anyone who has ever gone into the IT field and more than likely started out as a help desk technician or help desk manager relates to these stories. At least in my case and everyone I know who works in IT they all started in a small IT department who were very close and just

@Luke Plunket How could you honestly say with a straight face that Stock Android phones and tablets are some of the best you can get. Anything besides an iOS device is settling for less and asking for a far more complicated system than it needs to be. If a 2 year old and a 98 year can both figure out how to use an

What you meant so say but obviously aren't intelligent enough to say is that its nice to see them having some fun while they protect your right to be ignorant and uneducated. Thats the public school system for you though. Obviously another that was left behind.

I know right now things are hard because you are constantly stereotyped as a bad person because of your ethnicity or religion. But things will get easier and things will get better. I say this because history repeats itself... Think back to when the blacks were having to go through the same thing(and some still are)

@Shane Roberts Star Rover HD is still $1.99 just a heads up bud.

Your information is ill advised and your sources don't prove anything because the points you are trying to make don't make sense. You use words like they lied, and they are lying, and you REALLY need to look up the Definition of Integrity. I would advise looking up the Core Values of the United States Air Force

So you don't care if our soldiers overseas can play Xbox then I'm guessing? and also just so you are aware living in the UK and living in the US don't differ very much when it comes to internet connections other than how they classify the speeds for some reason which I don't quite understand. Certain areas of the UK

Oh Sonicstormer... and here we were having an adult conversation and then you ruined it by making direct insults so here we go... You are a flat out idiot. Did you not read that I had been following The War Z since its first announcement I guess I should have mentioned that it was during the underground gaming

I don't know about others so I won't speak for others... But my family is full of nerds and geeks and people that work in the IT industry. But out of my entire family there is only 2 or 3 people that even have an Xbox and I don't think they even use them that often because we all know how greedy they are and how they

I think you are imagining a situation. The idea is great on paper but put it into practice and it won't work the way you want it to. Microsoft is a greedy company the only reason they would have done this is strictly to make more money they don't actually care about doing things to make the customers life easier. Its

It wasn't a misrepresentation. It was a bunch of incompitant people reading what they wanted to read and not what they needed to read. It was also half steams fault for not putting in red font or in big letters that the game was not a final release and that it was still being working on therefore giving no reason to