I'm sorry were you trying to correct me? Because you don't follow people on Facebook. You like the page. I think you might be thinking of Twitter.
I'm sorry were you trying to correct me? Because you don't follow people on Facebook. You like the page. I think you might be thinking of Twitter.
You have your own Survivor story you dipfuck.
You are the King of fools. The sound and animation is still years ahead of DayZ.
Its not even close to 5 million so I think you need to "try again"
You should give it a try. I have been playing from the beginning(yes even when they had the whole steam miscommunication) and it really is a great game. Gamers unfortunately constantly have an uneducated sense of "we know how to make games" and they rip on a game for having a few issues. The war Z wasn't done when it…
I don't see how you could have possibly been looking forward to spending even more money than you already have to just to play video games.... That makes no sense. The new experience that they wanted to provide would have done NOTHING for the gaming community except hurt it. Thats a fact.
What about GTA5 in 2013?
I still think after playing a little of both that The War Z is put together much better than Day Z and at least The War Z is making constant efforts to improve gameplay. If you played it a few weeks or months ago I would try playing again. I can honestly say that after a few crucial updates that it is one of the…
You made yourself look very stupid just a moment ago. You stated "A Kid is dumb and probably came to his conclusion because he has nothing to do" So I want to make fun of you for a few reasons here. First off we will start with "a kid is dumb" what kid? whos kid? what do you mean A kid? No, KIDS, aren't dumb and…
Well okay lets be honest here. I realize neither are a pretty situation but which would you rather hear? Or better yet expect? An adult with porn on his computer of men and/or women who are under the age of 18? Or a 17 year old with pictures of porn on his computer of men and/or women under the age of 18? I would…
People should definitely give The War Z a second chance. Yes it was very buggy after its original launch on steam but I play this game on a daily basis. You can check out our server Bathsalt Addicts or our website www.bathsaltaddicts.com . The game is a lot of fun and they are constantly adding new features. still a…
How do you figure? Do you know anything about tech? lol
No not minecraft.... STEVE
You people are crying and complaining over something so miniscule. Put yourselves in his shoes in different scenarios. Basketball, soccer, skateboarding, knitting for all I care. You have become WIDELY successfully with what you do. You at this point are very confident that you have the skill set that not many people…