I sent them a message today saying I forgot to upgrade and the guy sent me instructions on how to go ahead and download and install. They used the deadline as a scare tactic. they’re still plenty willing to give it out free.
I sent them a message today saying I forgot to upgrade and the guy sent me instructions on how to go ahead and download and install. They used the deadline as a scare tactic. they’re still plenty willing to give it out free.
You’re a fucking pussy.
You mean to one of your ISIS forums? Cool Death to Islam.
“I myself had bought the highest level pack costing nearly $300 way back when and I’m fine with that, because I was part of something that could have been.”No. Thats not good enough. This is the equivalent to giving kids a participation medal. Fuck That. Hold them responsible. Dreamed too big and couldn’t accomplish…
If i’m a coward and I actually stood for something what the does does that make you? A worthless piece of shit? Fuck you and your islamic nazi brothers. I hope you all die.
And where is your evidence you fucktard of a human being? You just gonna come out and call me a moron but you provide no actual benefit to this conversation. You fucking pussy ass bitch of a person. Go be politically correct in a gun free zone you fucking waste of life.
I didn’t want someone to come back at me with “The people who died were gay and they were victims.” Yes those gays were victims. The gay community overall is not victim. In general. Americans were victims and we need to retaliate by turning the middle east into a walmart parking lot.
You can call trump a racist even though he has said less racist shit than muhammed ali who we praised and celebrated last week but the fact is you are much more racist than trump is just with that “cheese it” line. You’re a fucking hypocrite and don’t deserve the job you have you biased cum dumpster. Go swallow a…
Oh fuck you. There you go as a trump hater spinning this any way you can to make him look bad. I don’t hear anyone telling the gays not to make it about them. Guess what. It doesn’t fucking matter this was a gay club. THESE WERE AMERICANS KILLED by a religion that tolerates nothing but itself. Islam is the enemy. That…
So pretty much anyone that ever has or does love Fable should send a message to microsoft telling them how much we dissaprove this turn of events and how much we want the fable franchise sold to a competant company that can handle the franchise. I can’t believe I’ll never get a game as good as the original fable again…
Your statement is ridiculous. I’m sure he would call that real work, which is the point he is making, that those clicking a mouse and keyboard for 8 hours a day are not truly working like those fishermen or construction workers. This was a sad and pathetic attempt at bringing the attention to yourself so that you…
You sound like a blast at parties. If you even get invited to them.
Goat fucker.
I like how Kotaku wants to paste Trump as being racist though he hasn’t said a single racist statement and I swear if you try to come at me with some bullshit like he hates illegals or muslims I’m gonna fuckin learn you real quick. Niether one of those things is a race. I’m sorry to the goatfuckers that want our…
I wish you had been deported. You are my least favorite reporter of all time. Your opinions are biased and opinionated to the fullest extent. Go back to where ever you came from.
Uh...Anyone who isn't a fool...
Your gameplay videos always brighten may day. I also frequently learn new words. haha. So Thank you Sir Wichtowski
walmart.com has ghosts for 39.99 which is also valid in the store until 12/22/13.
I can't stop laughing at this! OMFG