Watched clip on mute...
Watched clip on mute...
A second Kickstarter for Volume 2
Bwa Hahahahahahahaha
Well it was cool while it lasted.
Fuck I want one!
I will agree with him on this one fact.
I am not a religious man. That said...
The only thing I want to see this piece of shit in is a snuff film, and even then I would fast forward to the end.
The only thing I want to see this piece of shit in is a snuff film, and even then I would fast forward to the end.
I do not condone what he did.
Fuck please forgive me for this.
Possible names for the new gaming platform
This thing has been around for awhile, so that means so has yet another concept of a fossil fuel alternative that we will never see come to commercial or personal use, because our country sucks.
1, The Beta joke still kills me.
None of them was that great, BUT could have been. I will give you that the prequels had wonderful new characters. All of them however were spoiled by poor writing, and plot.
Fuck we lost Cosby, now this!
Now more than ever I am glad I never liked this show.
What the fuck is wrong with people!
I really hate how online gaming has reduced role playing to base tactical numbers.
While it does have a pretty high level of “Nasty” I will not call it the grossest thing I have faced, or set upon my players.