
Steam workshop definitely shines in situations like these.

If people are interested in games that are like-new. Gamefly has a pretty killer sale going on. Picked up bioshock infinite for 9.99(360). Tons of other titles too. Everything I have ever gotten from them has been complete and in fantastic condition.

No 3DS love today? :(

Is it too late to still back this?

4 mana(colorless) 1/1 green creature? with deathtouch. Completely unplayable.

When a behemoth like Blizzard decides it's time to start making F2P, you know it's a worthwhile business model. There are countless really great games that are F2P, the ones I have personally experienced: World of Tanks, League of Legend, Warframe, Hearthstone, Dota 2, Team Fortress 2.

What??!!! Nah, Pokemon don't die. They pass out.

Right, 100% for 1 player. On a VERY difficult encounter. On my server I think there was like 1-2 people total that had it. Now it's like 2% chance.

I would have thought mimiron's head is much more rare?

Forever a scone.

Entitlement at its finest.

Yes, you absolutely can blame them when there are restrictions to prevent exactly those things from happening. Ignorance is no excuse for irresponsibility.

Looks like your reading comprehension/financial analysis is the fucking joke.

Thank you, can't remember the last time I laughed till I cried.

Let's compare the difference between e-sports gamers to professional athletes.

The biggest problem I had with Dota 2 was just being overwhelmed. I finished the tutorial, got into a game(after a fairly long wait) Then got the option to choose between a billion characters. When I was learning league I got introduced the characters maybe 10 at a time. It's awesome they are all available

That is what a "flash hider" is for. Not a supressor.

I know you are legally required to get documentation to own suppressors. Where is it a legal requirement to USE suppressors? I have never heard of that before, isn't that why they make ear protection? I know that is a requirement in gun ranges.

Im fairly certain most of the people at those jobs have not only worked much harder to get where they are, in the position they are in, but also put in way more hours in any given week.