
Multiplayer, video and music stream, live sports, exclusive deals, and now free games.

Starcraft's tagline: Heavily influenced by warhammer 40k

Not to downplay this guy's work(it's amazing) But there are so many now I just fast forward to the part where they smash things with them :)

Matt has a solid point. You are just part of a demographic, or a focus group. Maybe not you directly. However, because someone else your age, your height, your IQ, in your city, etc(I think you get the point) Showed interest you are lumped into it.

I don't even think it has to do with being "poorer" There are many games that I just don't think are worth my time or money.

Both League of Legends and World of Tanks are games that I have enjoyed hundreds of hours playing (free) I enjoyed world of tanks so much I willingly spent money for a "premium" sub for several months. Free to play is fantastic as long as:

I wonder who's at a bigger loss here......

When this guy talks it looks like he's trying to juggle giant man-boobs.

Dear Kotaku (but mostly just patricia hernandez) : Please write more no-nonsense, actual articles about gaming, really tired of these time wasters. kthnx

It looks really cool. Until you see him walk then it just looks like big bird.

It isn't "freedom of speech" when you are using someone else' platform/service. You are knowingly abiding by their terms.

I agree. Similarly I also preferred fallout 3/vegas on the controller.

I for one hated the RMAH on d3 and the AH in general. Makes getting items much less of an achievement.

Yup im with you on this, it's always some sort of self-righteous bullshit.


It is a poor system implemented by nintendo. Steam, xbox, apple, I think even PSN tie purchases to your credentials. Sold a console/device? No big deal you paid for the content once redownload it again at no charge. He should have been able to use his id on the new console. When you upgrade from an iphone 4S to an

uhhh.... minecraft and dark souls. That is 2 games. #math

I've never seen someone answer so many questions with a question, or generalized statements. Seems like a bad sign.

They Does.