
“It’s obviously not going to be an issue in the release game as those out of bounds wont exist. It sounds like they may function as invisible walls when you are rogue now(I hope).”

It just may be. It was pretty rampant on xb1, you would frequently see people hitting rank 5 rogue and then going to the out of bounds red zones which started a count down and eventually respawned you at a safe house. Once the timer finished they would get their rogue payout bonus and walk out.

It’s obviously not going

Wish they would fix people being able to go rogue and then just go out of bounds and wait out the timer in a safe house.

Any word on if the beta will be OS X compatible in this wave?

Came here to literally make the same joke, was pleased to see the responses. You get a star!

This rhetoric is a bit flawed and dated. People seem to feel like, “oh 50% is gone(single player) so I should have to pay 50% less.” Well no, this game is 100% multiplayer content, so you should pay 100% or avoid buying it. Especially when dev’s as spending time on things like balancing features. Such as maps,

I was speaking with a friend the other night and I made the comment that I felt like the story actually involved or even revolved around me in this one(F4).

In the previous parts of the series it felt like I was just an small anecdote in the larger scheme of the story. This version is better for me.

This mentality is always one that has escaped me:

This hero looks really uninspired and uninteresting :(

As long as league keeps it “promo series” system the same, ranked will continue to be busted.

You might say these micro-transactions are............ overkill

Here’s a better idea: Let’s create another server where all the trolls and jerks get moved to when they get banned, have a separate ranked system to where they can earn their way out ala unreal tournament style. Once redeemed they can join the rest of the world.

“Fuck this guy”

When the opponents team is higher level than yours you get a considerable amount of XP when you kill them. So if you are ahead it doesnt mean you get to just play mediocre to stay ahead. The gap can be bridged with a few good picks, and luck.

I have paid gold for both so yes, still completely free.

That’s life isn’t it? Take risks, get rewarded(or not) or live in the comfort of mediocrity.

The guy didnt think he could make it on his own so wanted to keep his trust fund.

I don’t mind unlocking the character pool slowly, but the runepages and runes is a real let-down. They have a real impact on the game play in ranked play and can put you at a definite disadvantage putting it more in the pay-to-win category.

The number of subscribers stays accurate, on a financial basis they earn more from tokens. 1 person is buying a 15$ sub + a 20$ token, the other person is not paying. The first person nets them an additional 5$ Win-Win for Blizzard.

Sure, we would all love to experience the holo-deck ala star trek. Until that comes to fruition this seems like a really neat experience.