
I used to do similar things in Halo:3 except it was with sticky grenades. I would see a player running, figure out where they were headed, and time the throw just right so that right as they came from around a corner/wall they would catch a sticky grenade right in the face. Man I miss those days lol

Apple should make a Mac tablet. iOS is a jailed limited toy.

i dont know. i have never looked back on an old VHS home video and been the least bit bummed that its not in HD

Battery. People, please learn the distinction.

The Large Ultimate

The Large Ultimate

The “Premium Massage” hand-held shower head from highpressureshowerheads.com. It is the best because you can remove the flow restrictor. (All the showerheads at this site can do the same, and God bless them for it.) Here’s the link:

The “Premium Massage” hand-held shower head from highpressureshowerheads.com. It is the best because you can remove

Nah, everybody knows he’s got two left feet.

Since Mario chose not to list the cities:

Yes but on the wonderful World Wide Web EVERYTHING HAS TO BE DONE AT EXTREMES!!!!

THPS HD is _really_ bad. They ruined it with the physics.

THPS HD was terrible. The physics and speed matched neither THPS2 or THPS3 - making classic runs impossible to do. School 2 is virtually unplayable in the way it could be in either THPS2 or THPS3.

Such a disappointment.... and for such an obvious flaw.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

Tell us when you get a yacht.

I have fallen victim to the “internet argument death-spiral of increasingly specific stupidity” many times, this is the only reason I was able to see it brewing :P

Perhaps I can give some insight. I once saw something similar about a decade ago with approx 100TB worth of drives. This particular machine was SPARC based, running Solaris and the drives were combined using ZFS and raid-Z2.

For Netflix however: “Instead there are plain UFS+J filesystems on some 36 disks and no RAID -

Arguing about the selfishness ratio of mountain climbing and the aptness of the analogies used to describe is is missing the forest for the trees—irrelevant to both sides.

I’ll start by saying I hope all of the injured and stranded get off the mountain alright, and that the evac is ordered by need and not by other factors.

All that shit is gross, and is worse than just having real cane sugar.

Another bike commuter here. In my city it’s illegal on nearly all sidewalks to ride your bike. This doesn’t prevent the vast majority of riders from doing so, but it needs to be said that 95% of the time the correct location for a bike is on the road.