
Imagine if we traveled back in time from 2015 to 1965 and told them the United States is not capable of sending a human into space and instead pays the Soviet Union to do it. Also, no one has set foot on the moon since 1972.

Are you sure? The 5s couldn’t do this on Verizon due to some sort of radio limitations. Was the 6 able to?

Now playing

I’ll just leave this here in case not everyone has seen it.

Ah, good. I wouldn’t know anything about that. My 5s got a few raindrops on it and I’m stuck using a 4 until 9/20 -_-

Yea, I thought the same thing, but I would like to have 1080p60 or 1080p120, which will hopefully come with the increase in resolution.

I wish our comments weren’t stuck in the grey. This thread needs to know about highpressureshowerheads.com

I wish our comments weren’t stuck in the grey. This thread needs to know about highpressureshowerheads.com

The Large Ultimate

The Large Ultimate

I find a lot of people haven’t played the 2013 version (or had not played the PS1 version). The battles in the Steam version are capped at 15fps, which makes everything feel sluggish. I went to replay it on PC and gave up due to this issue. I contacted SE and they seem to have no plans to fix.

Virtual box is a great idea. I may have to give that a shot.

Better odds? I don’t disagree, but the fact remains: find an affiliate with good coaching and programming and it will be a good experience for many people, no more prone to injury than many other activities.

“What’s this gif playing... yea leg presses are stupid when you could do squats ins—OH MY GOD”

Saying “avoid crossfit” because one affiliate didn’t have proper coaching is akin to saying “avoid lifting” because one personal trainer didn’t know what he was doing. There are good and bad crossfit affiliates just like there are good and bad trainers/coaches in all activities.

I’m with you. I’m not an expert, but I see no way a spotter could do anything on C&J or Snatch. The best thing to do is use bumper plates and just ditch the bar properly.

Hypothermia is actually most common when it’s wet and in the 50s (more likely to happen to someone wearing cotton in these conditions).

I want to be excited about this. I really do. But the job Robomodo did with THPS:HD ruins all hope. Below is the text of my Steam review detailing why it is so awful. If you are a lover of THPS games, do yourself a favor and get THUG PRO set up. It is glorious—the game that should have been released.

Ugh, THPS HD is unplayable. I don’t see how they could NOT fuck this one up after that disaster. See my Steam review for more details:

I’m not sure we’ll see a Chinook landing on the summit of Denali anytime soon. Aside from the terrain, I don’t think one could fly that high (equivalent of ~23,000’).

This thread is really nitpicking, but the airstrip and Denali base camp (location shown in this photo) are actually much closer to Hunter than to Denali. They are located on the SE fork of the Kahiltna, just outside the wilderness boundary.

I would like to award you more stars. I tend to get caught up trying to explain that mountaineering is not equivalent to playing Russian roulette (this is how many non-climbers see it). You have brought us back home to the core of my original point——>