
Emily Yoffe, in a nutshell

Letter writer should be congratulated for asking a question that made Dear Prudence's response sound like Dan Savage by comparison.


Sounds to me like Busch is preparing the old "I couldn't have smashed her head into the wall because she's a trained assassin" defense.

Shall we discuss my Tyler Durden theory of 500 Days of Summer?

I just hope someday she can see that video through clearer eyes. It was ugly and uncaring and she married that person. For now I'll hope she's safe. That's really the only thing I can find to do.

Right? Makes it sound as though concealing a non-out of wedlock fetal death is legal.

I think it looks awesome. The colour is a cool change, and the blunt cut is a good all-or-nothing choice. But mainly my feelings are that I'm so glad people don't analyse my haircuts on the internet.

Probably going to avoid Jezebel until that horrible ad with the worm coming out of someone's eye is gone.

"The question was asked, 'What could make a woman become so dark? To lose all sense of her maternity, her womanhood, and her softness?'"

THANK YOU. Also a note: men are still kind of trapped in traditional gender roles even when they wish to break out of them as well, and proposing is one of those things that Makes You a Husband. I and my boyfriend have been discussing marriage stuff, despite not being engaged yet, as it's going to take us several

Also, every couple that I know that got engaged/married in the last ten years did so following a discussion about marriage and the mutual understanding that both parties were interested in getting married. So while the man-half of the couple actually did the proposing/ring presentation, I think it would be inaccurate

Not trying to be judgy, but fuck all that. What does "sexual assault awareness" even mean? I would hazard to guess that all women are already aware of sexual assault. If she wants to make sexual assault awareness or whatever part of her platform, don't do it by focusing on women's actions as the means of prevention.

Agreed. This is a narrative we have had shoved down our throats at least as long as my 25yo self can remember. We live with the constant stranger danger fear. We know the methods to "avoid assault" (as if that's inevitable should we accidentally slip up and wear our hair in a ponytail walking alone or something). Good

Prudence is also the lady that vociferously argues that college women shouldn't get drunk, because that's how "they end up being raped."

The answer to all your questions is NO.

You missed this gem of the story:

This was actually a lie that I told. When I was four, my aunt got a divorce. My family and I visited Minnesota to visit her, and she took us for a ride in her new speed boat. It was the best thing that had ever happened to my landlocked, Iowan self.